
Bandung City Hall is Open to the Public, Come on, Register and Become the First 100 Visitors!

The Bandung City Hall will be open to the public every weekend. Currently you can visit this area by making a reservation first because the first day of the visiting session will open on Saturday 11 May 2024 or tomorrow.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 10 May 2024 09:49

Head of the General Section of the Bandung City Regional Secretariat, Syukur Sabar, said that the Bandung City Hall which is located on Jalan Dalemkaum No. 56 will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 09.00-15.00 WIB. Later, there will be four visiting sessions, starting from 09.00—10.00 WIB, 10.00—11.00 WIB, 13.00—14.00 WIB, and 14.00—15.00 WIB.

"This is a collaboration with Disbudpar and Diskominfo Bandung City. So, the public or tourists can visit Pendopo for historical tourism in Bandung City. Visits are open on Saturdays and Sundays, as long as there are no major activities at Pendopo," said Syukur to Bandung City Public Relations.

You can make a reservation for a visit via the website One visiting session can accommodate around 25 people.

Furthermore, Syukur said that later tourists would be able to visit several areas in Pendopo and learn the history of Pendopo, which has become an integral part of the Bandung City trip. One note that prospective visitors need to pay attention to, apart from preparing an identity card (KTP), and having registered via the available site, is not to bring food when visiting the Pendopo.

"Bandung is known for its history and also some of its heritage buildings. So, in this visit session to the Pendopo, tourists will be guided by a team from Disbudpar. Later they will explain the history of the Pendopo and some of the rooms in it. Because this is part of history ", since the time of the Regent of Bandung until now the City of Bandung has been led by a Mayor," he explained.

Gratitude hopes that the opening of the Bandung City Hall for tourist visits will attract the interest of the public and tourists to get to know the City of Bandung and its history.

As a reminder, tourist visits to the Pendopo will be open starting tomorrow. So, don't miss the opportunity to be the first 100 people to visit there!

Head of Diskominfo Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana