
Tepat pada Rabu 29 Desember 2021 ini, Gedung Cai Tjibadak yang terletak di Kelurahan Ledeng Kecamatan Cidadap berusaia satu abad atau 100 tahun.

Right on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, the Cai Tjibadak Building, located in Ledeng Village, Cidadap District, is one century old or 100 years old.

Nova Lastriana Wednesday, 29 December 2021 14:48

Right at the age of 100 years, Acting Mayor (Plt) of the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana carried out the Trace of the Cai Tjibadak Building.

Tracing the 100 years of the Tjibadak building is one of the environmental conservation efforts. With this activity, in addition to increasing awareness of valuable heritage, it is also to preserve the existence of a water source called seke.

Currently, the Tjibadak Building is operated by PDAM Tirta Wening, Bandung City. Its existence still functions as a source of raw water. In addition, the surrounding area remains a habitat for various flora and fauna that must be maintained.

"On behalf of the Bandung City Government, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation today to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tjibadak Building," said Yana.

According to an article he read, 100 years ago there was also an inauguration ceremony. Starting from the same day, namely Wednesday at the end of the year in December.

Not only that, in 1921 it was also an effort by the government to provide clean water to the community during a cholera outbreak.

"That year the Mayor of Bandung, S. A Reitsma provided the clean water during the cholera outbreak," Yana said.

He advised that the conservation should be maintained properly. Starting from land use, space for flora and fauna habitat.

"Especially the security of assets, as well as the function of seke as a spring in this place. Hopefully, it will again provide a source of raw water that can be used for the residents of the city of Bandung," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of PDAM Tirta Wening, Soni Salimi, explained that Gedong Cai has been managed by PDAM Tirta Wening since 1977.

"It started to be managed at 50 liters per second. Today the debit was recorded at the beginning of the year, 22 liters per second. So it's 50 percent less," he said.

The water source flows to 800 water customers to residents of Cipaku and Ciumbuleuit.

"We will try to manage this place by assets. So we have repeated the area measurement calculations. We have to make sure this location becomes property," said Soni.

He appreciated the surrounding community who always reminded PDAM if something happened. Such as shifting the site to environmental conditions.

"It's extraordinary, the collaboration with the community as well as the community, they participate in managing. We are also reminded that there is a shift in slabs, tree loggers here. Residents are so focused and concerned about environmental conditions," he said.

In the same place, the Chairman of Indonesian Nature Love (CAI) Bandung, Yadi Supriadi said, the building is a heritage that has historical value.

"This has value when the building is in existence. The seke tradition and conservation must be maintained, because it is important to be maintained as a concubine," he explained.

"Of course, conservation must be preserved as a legacy for our future generations," he added.

Gedong cai, Yadi continued, needs to be cared for by all the people and also assisted by local officials.

"This is important to become a regional movement assisted by many parties, the military, communities and the community. This is preserving the heritage," he said.

Yadi said the activity was an ongoing collaboration as a cultural area to be preserved and utilized.

"This celebration is a point of collaboration that has become today, namely that cultural areas are not only conserved but also utilized," he said.

Meanwhile, Assistant for Economics and Development, Eric M. Attauriq explained that in the midst of dense urban development, many water sources were lost. Meanwhile, springs are important in providing raw water in the city of Bandung.

"This is well maintained, it requires spring protection so that it can be consumed," he said.

This gedong cai, continued Eric, is a building that protects clean springs that cannot be separated. The Bandung City Government collaborates and seeks to protect the building.

This is the cultural heritage structure of the Bandung City Regional Regulation number 7 of 2018 concerning Cultural Conservation Management.

"With this potential, we will propose a cultural heritage site in 2022. The study of the proposed legality is coordinated by Disbudpar," he said. (yes)**