
It turns out that this is the reason certain materials are used for sidewalk chairs in Bandung

In addition to using a motorbike, traveling around the city of Bandung is also better if you walk. Moreover, the city of Bandung has many open public spaces with aesthetic facilities, such as green plants, chairs and tables, and sports equipment.

Dina Wednesday, 01 June 2022 00:13
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung
31 Mei 2022
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung 31 Mei 2022

In addition to using a motorcycle, traveling around the city of Bandung is also better if you walk. Moreover, the city of Bandung has many open public spaces with aesthetic facilities, such as green plants, chairs and tables, and sports equipment.

However, unfortunately, these public facilities are often found in poor condition. Some were crossed out by irresponsible persons, some were even lost.

To anticipate this happening again, the City Government (Pemkot) Bandung has taken several steps. One of them is by viralizing non-ethical actions with #Don't be imitated on social media.

The Sub-coordinator of Drainage and Sidewalk Planning for the Bandung City Water Resources and Highways (DSDABM) Melky Koswara said the selection of materials for chairs was actually done to reduce damage to public facilities.

"The chair facilities that we provide are classic types, some of the materials we have changed from wood to composites, such as in Braga and Asia Africa. In terms of shape, they are similar, but the material is much stronger against the weather," said Melky to the Public Relations of Bandung City, Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

In addition, other materials used are iron, such as the set of chairs on Jalan Dago. Or stone materials like in Riau Street.

Although the selection of materials has been made to reduce the damage caused by the weather, Melky said that some of the damage also occurred due to the ignorant hands of irresponsible people. For example, on Jalan Dago, there were several iron chairs that were missing.

"The cause of the damage was first from the weather. Second, do not deny it was also from acts of vandalism. It's not just damage anymore, but there are even missing things like in Dago," he said.

"There are loose bolts and we have replaced the rickety chairs. Most of them are just damaged in appearance, like the paint layer has peeled off. Maybe about 10 percent of them are damaged and have to be replaced," continued Melky.

Even with stone material. Melky said, at first they judged that the stone material would be more durable and not easy to pick up.

However, it turns out that this stone public chair has also become the target of skateboarders to be used as an obstacle course while playing. In fact, this material was chosen so that it can be used for a long time by people who want to enjoy the atmosphere in an open space.

"The stone chairs were also shifted a lot. It might be a special attraction for skateboarders," he said.

In addition, according to Melky, another way to get around public facilities is to create themed murals. Thus, there is no empty space available for vandals to scribble on public facilities.

"We also had time on Jalan Sudirman there was a program to make murals on chairs with Mr. John Martono. So, instead of being scribbled in an unclear way by other people, we should first scribble with a good mural," he said.

For its own maintenance, DSDABM cooperates with the Technical Management Unit (UPT) spread over six areas throughout the city of Bandung. Each UPT makes improvements to existing public facilities in its area.

"Most are now in Cibeunying because it tends to be more urban and has lots of chair facilities. They check every day, but indeed there are cats in the field. We monitor them until 16.00 WIB. After that sometimes things happen that are not desirable," said Melky.

This is because not all seat facilities on the sidewalks of Bandung City are under the management of the DSDABM. Some of the main points of public facilities managed by DSDABM are in the city center, such as Jalan Braga, Sudirman, Dago, and Asia Afrika.

The rest comes from third-party grants, which are then given to other regions or services.

Therefore, it is necessary to have joint supervision from the community, regional officials, to the relevant Regional Work Units (SKPD).

The plan is for the Bandung City Government to add more open space facilities on Jalan Wastukencana and arrangement in the parks on Jalan Riau.

"The budget for the procurement of public facilities is Rp. 300 million. However, this is also not every year, usually in the third year there is only procurement," he said.

Melky hopes that with the new public facilities and garden arrangements, the people of Bandung City can use them wisely and well.

"We want Bandung to be comfortable for all. Especially during this time of covid, we want us to be able to keep playing outside. If we are in a closed room, it feels like we have our own fear. Let's keep it together," he urged. (din)*

Head of Discominfo Bandung

Yayan A. Brilyana