
MPLS and PTM Schools in Bandung City Takes 100 Percent

The introduction to the school environment (MPLS) and face-to-face meetings (PTM) for teaching and learning activities in the city of Bandung will take place 100 percent as of July 18, 2022.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 18 July 2022 08:20
MPLS SMPN 24 dan SDN 270 Gentra

This was conveyed by the Bandung City Education Office (Disdik) based on the Decree of the 4 Ministers and the Regulation of the Mayor of Bandung.

"Based on the policy, teaching and learning activities in the city of Bandung will be optimally held at 100 percent PTM with learning hours according to the curriculum," said Head of the Bandung City Education Office (Disdik), Hikmat Ginanjar.

In addition, some changes in PTM activities can be carried out again, such as extracurricular and sports. With the provisions, activities are carried out outdoors or open spaces and still pay attention to health protocols (prokes).

Meanwhile, MPLS activities will be carried out according to the Bandung City Education calendar on 18-20 July 2022 face-to-face.

"The MPLS material is made by the education unit by emphasizing character education and habituation to the implementation of the Pancasila student profile. There should be no hazing," he said.

He said MPLS activities should also not burden students and their parents both physically and materially.

"Education units are required to provide 100 percent PTM supporting facilities and infrastructure, such as representative classrooms, toilets, hand washing areas with running water, hand sanitizer, spare masks, trash cans, and others," said Hikmat.

So that with adequate facilities it is able to assist students in adapting to the conditions of the new school environment. It is hoped that after the MPLS activities are completed, students will be accustomed to the conditions of the school environment.

If the MPLS is held for more than three days, the parents have the right to question the reasons behind the decision.

"However, there are exceptions for boarding schools by first reporting to the relevant Education Office," he said.

The main technical organizers of MPLS activities are teachers and are assisted by students from the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) and/or the Class Representative Council (MPK).

Jika sekolah belum memiliki pengurus OSIS/MPK boleh diwakilkan siswa lainnya yang memiliki catatan akademis dan kelakuan baik.

Apabila ditemukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran, maka sanksi yang diberikan cukup berat, mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 82 Tahun 2015 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Tindak Kekerasan pada Satuan Pendidikan dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya.

"Bahkan, apabila pelanggaran sangatlah berat, Kepala Sekolah terancam dicopot dan siswa yang melakukan di-drop out dari sekolah," ungkapnya.

Sebagai informasi tambahan, ada beberapa contoh aktivitas yang dilarang dalam MPLS berdasarkan Permendikbud Nomor 18 Tahun 2016:

1. Memberikan tugas kepada siswa baru yang wajib membawa suatu produk dengan merk tertentu.

2. Menghitung sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat (menghitung nasi, gula, semut, dsb).

3. Memakan dan meminum makanan dan minuman sisa yang bukan milik masing-masing siswa baru.

4. Memberikan hukuman kepada siswa baru yang tidak mendidik seperti menyiramkan air serta hukuman yang bersifat fisik dan/atau mengarah pada tindak kekerasan.

5. Memberikan tugas yang tidak masuk akal seperti berbicara dengan hewan atau tumbuhan serta membawa barang yang sudah tidak diproduksi kembali.

6. Aktivitas lainnya yang tidak relevan dengan aktivitas pembelajaran.

Selain itu, beberapa atribut yang dilarang dalam pelaksanaan MPLS antara lain:

1. Tas karung, tas belanja plastik, dan sejenisnya.

2. Kaos kaki berwarna-warni tidak simetris, dan sejenisnya.

3. Aksesoris di kepala yang tidak wajar.

4. Alas kaki yang tidak wajar.

5. Papan nama yang berbentuk rumit dan menyulitkan dalam pembuatannya dan/atau berisi konten yang tidak bermanfaat 

6. Atribut lainnya yang tidak relevan dengan aktivitas pembelajaran. (din)**

Kepala Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Yayan A. Brilyana