
Breastfeeding Father, Important Role for Mother and Baby

Salah satu peran istri yang tak bisa digantikan para suami adalah menyusui Air Susu Ibu (ASI). Meski begitu, ternyata suami juga punya peran besar dalam proses 'mengASIhi' sang buah hati dengan menjadi Ayah ASI.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 01 August 2022 16:15
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Sub-coordinator of Family Health and Nutrition of the Bandung City Health Office (Dinkes), dr. Dewi Primasari explained, even though you can't give breast milk, it doesn't mean that fathers can't bond with their children.

"We are also pushing for this breastfeeding father figure to emerge because after all the mother's emotional stability factor is supported by her husband," said Dewi to Bandung City Public Relations, Monday, August 1, 2022.

She conveyed, husbands must continue to support and ensure comfort so that mothers are happy. Thus the mother's needs are met. Both nutritional needs and emotional needs must be met, so that mothers remain happy and can produce breast milk.

"To stimulate milk production, oxytocin massage can be done. Now, the role of the father is needed here because the part being massaged is the mother's back area. There are certain points that the father must help to massage," he said.

In addition, the father can take over some of the small tasks in the household. That way, mothers can focus on breastfeeding their babies.

"Little things like after eating, washing dishes, or helping to clean a little, little things like that will really support mothers to stay comfortable and be able to breastfeed until they are finished," he said.

The process of loving is not only important in the growth and development of children, but also affects the recovery and health of the mother after giving birth. Moreover, a few days ago, news emerged of a mother who had the heart to kill her own child because of post-partum depression.

To prevent post-partum depression, Dewi said, breastfeeding can be one solution. Because, there are many benefits that can be felt by mothers when breastfeeding their children exclusively.

"First, breastfeeding when the mother gives birth can stimulate uterine contractions, so that the mother's uterus shrinks faster. If the uterus shrinks, then the risk of bleeding that can cause pain and even death is reduced. Mothers also recover faster," he explained. .

Then, breastfeeding also helps mothers maintain a stable weight. Breastfeeding mothers do have to eat more, but the caloric needs of breastfeeding mothers will also be diverted in the form of milk production. So that his weight is awake faster with a note that his eating pattern must be correct.

"Pay attention to the principle of 'fill my plate', which is how many percent of carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables are. Breast milk is greatly influenced by what the mother eats. For breastfeeding mothers, we recommend eating lots of protein, both animal and vegetable," he urged.

The principle of 'fill my plate' that nursing mothers need to pay attention to is that the first 1/3 is filled with carbohydrates. Then, the second 1/3 is filled with vegetables, and the third 1/3 is divided in half by containing protein and fruit.

Portions also need to be adjusted. For pregnant women, usually in a day need 3 large portions of food and 2 portions of interlude with more calorie needs, about 500 calories compared to mothers who are not breastfeeding.

"Alternately, try snacks that are nutritious and can produce breast milk, such as nuts, vegetables, and fruit," he said.

In addition to helping mothers maintain a stable weight, the benefits of breastfeeding also affect the mother's psyche. Breastfeeding can release endorphins (happiness hormones), so that the mother's emotions become more stable.

"Emotionally it can also increase bonding with children. Bonding is needed in the future to build relationships with children so that mothers can accompany their children in the future," said Dewi.

He also said that mothers do not need to worry if when they give birth, the amount of milk that comes out is still small. Because, many mothers are worried because their milk has not come out after giving birth.

In fact, it turns out that newborns do not need a lot of milk. In fact, about 10-20 ml in the early days of birth can actually meet the baby's needs. Later, when the baby is breastfeeding regularly, the mother's milk production will increase as well.

"So it is indeed extraordinary that God created in such a way that the production of breast milk is always adjusted to the needs of the baby. The more babies consume breast milk, the production will increase. Rest assured if the need for breast milk from the mother is sufficient for the baby," he added.

Exclusive breastfeeding should be given to infants until the age of 6 months. In the early days of exclusive breastfeeding, usually given every 2-3 hours or every time the child is thirsty or hungry.

After a period of 6-24 months, breast milk is still given, but also accompanied by complementary foods (MPASI) that are tailored to the needs of each age.

"After 2 years, we begin to wean slowly and the child is introduced to food that is in accordance with the family diet for to fulfill children's nutrition," he said.

Many of the content in breast milk ranging from macronutrients and micronutrients that are very useful for baby's growth and development.

Like macronutrients consisting of carbohydrates and proteins contained in breast milk. All of these substances can be very well and easily digested by the baby's intestines.

"All the proteins contained in breast milk are perfectly absorbed by the baby's intestines. This protein is a building block for better child growth and development. Unlike formula milk (sufor), not all of the protein can be absorbed by the baby's intestines," he explained.

Even with fat, omega 3, DHA, vitamins, minerals, and antibodies are all found in breast milk. So that the nutrition is very complete for babies.

Talking about the formula, Dewi said, in one of the articles in the Bandung City Guardian Regulation (Perwal) Number 95 of 2021 concerning Breastfeeding, if the mother's health condition causes her to not be able to breastfeed, the baby may be given substitute milk based on a doctor's recommendation.

"We do not also forbid formula milk, but the main thing is that exclusive breastfeeding is good. However, if the conditions are not possible, we can give milk substitutes," he admitted.

"But that doesn't mean the child who is given this formula will be unhealthy or sick in the future. Children can still catch up with their growth, of course with more monitoring," he continued.

Exclusive breastfeeding does require good lactation management. Especially if the mother is a working woman, it is necessary to prepare a stock of breast milk for her baby.

Expressed or pumped breast milk itself can last several hours or even months depending on the storage temperature. At room temperature, breast milk can last for 6 hours.

"If it is more than 6 hours, it does not mean that the milk is damaged, but it is feared that the nutritional content in the breast milk will decrease. As long as the breast milk has not changed in taste and color, it can still be given to the baby," explained Dewi.

For non-freezer lower temperatures, pumped breast milk can last up to 3 days. Then, in a one-door refrigerator freezer, breast milk can last 2 weeks - 1 month.

Whereas in a separate or double-door refrigerator, breast milk can last 3-6 months, depending on how stable the temperature is from the refrigerator.

"For how to thaw breast milk, you have to do it slowly. If it's from the freezer, lower it down to the refrigerator. When it's thawed, take it out to room temperature until the temperature is the same. After that, it can only be warmed by soaking it with the container," he said.

Then, what about the expired breast milk stock? Several social media accounts discussed the trend of bathing babies with expired breast milk.

According to Dewi, until now there has been no research that mentions the benefits of breast milk used as a bathing material for babies.

"I've never read a journal about this. But if you really want to use it for baby bathing, you have to rinse it clean. Breast milk is sweet, contains sugar. If you don't clean it, you're worried that it will stick to the child's body," he said. (din)**

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Yayan A. Brilyana