
TSR Bongsor: Deal with PPKS in Bojongloa District, Kaler

The existence of the need for Social Welfare Services (PPKS) is still an urgent social problem to be resolved.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 01 November 2022 19:07

Handling it not only by the Social Service but also must be assisted by the region. Handling the problem of PPKS, formerly known as PMKS (People with Social Welfare Problems) also requires support and assistance from the business world and the community.

To that end, the Bojongloa Kaler District formed a Social Response Team (TSR) Volunteer for Bojongloa Kaler Social Response (Bongsor).

Head of TSR Bongsor, Rudi Sugandi said this team is a synergy and collaboration from TKSK, Youth Organizations, PSM, TP PKK, PMI, and other community elements. Formed since January 28, 2020

He said the volunteer team is tasked with ensuring that the basic rights of the community are fulfilled.

"The basic right of the community is health. Of the 124 thousand people, there are more middle and lower income groups. Health problems must be addressed by all elements in Bojongloa Kaler," he said when he was a resource person for the Ngariung Regional Potential Podcast in Bojongloa Kaler District, Tuesday 1 November 2022.

Rudi explained, TSR Bongsor usually handles people who are sick to be delivered to the Puskesmas or hospital. Including dealing with people with mental disorders (ODGJ) and abandoned people

"We are also working with Puskesmas and hospitals. In the Bojongloa Kaler area there are several roads that even vehicles cannot pass, but we need to take people who are sick. We are trying to deliver them until they receive treatment. That is one of the Bongsor assessments," he said.

Meanwhile, Humas Volunteer Public Relations Soni Daniswara said that people who need assistance, especially health problems, can report to volunteer representatives, both RT and RW.

"Then we carry out an assessment. We help with administrative problems because it must be complete with administration in the community. Then we ask what the needs are," he said.

"After that the mentoring process, we make sure they get administrative services at the hospital. We make sure the service at the hospital runs until the patient gets a room," he added.

Soni said that people who cannot afford to go to the hospital can be advocated and assisted through several government programs, including BPJS, UHC and Baznas.

Bongsor volunteers also partner with several hospitals such as Imanuel Hospital, Bandung Kiwari Hospital, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Cisarua Hospital and the Nur Illahi Foundation.

"We are committed to all volunteers. We are really free for the community. We maximize the community does not need to spend money, with the UHC program from the Bandung city government and this is very useful and very felt by the community," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bojongloa Kaler sub-district, Ayi Sutarsa, said that the presence of Bongsor volunteers was a form of pentahelix collaboration that emerged from the community itself.

He said, Bojongloa Kaler sub-district is a densely populated sub-district and most of them are middle to lower class people. So the government's task is to ensure that the basic rights of the community are fulfilled, such as health, education, and the economy.

"We must ensure that access to health, education and the community's economy is met. We make big volunteers help the community," he said.

He hopes that the concept of volunteers like Bongsor can be adopted and applied in all areas in the city of Bandung.

"Why don't there are volunteers in all areas to help relieve the community. It can appear in other sub-districts, it can reduce the burden on people who need access to health," he said. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana