
Get to know the Elderly Park Retention Pool and Kandagapuspa Park

Gedung Sate has become one of the icons of Bandung City. But did you know that around the Gedung Sate area there are two retention ponds?

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 07 February 2023 18:30

The two retention ponds are in the Elderly Park and Kandagapuspa Park.

The Elderly Park Retention Pool has been under construction since 2015. The pool is located in the middle of the Elderly Park on Jalan Cisankuy, Citarum, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City.

The retention pond in the Elderly Park has 2 pools with a volume of 8417.12 cubic meters and an area of 2542.265 square meters and a depth of 4 meters for pool 1 and 3 meters for pool 2.

This pool was made to overcome the inundation that often occurs around Jalan Diponogoro and Jalan Supratman.

According to the Chief Superintendent of the Elderly Park Retention Pool, Muji, apart from being made to deal with flooding, the Elderly Park retention pond was also built with an attractive design and architecture aimed at beautifying the park.

The pond is also filled with fish so that the atmosphere feels fresh by visitors.

"The purpose of making a retention pond is not only to overcome flooding, but also to beautify the park with buildings that can be felt by visitors," said Muji, Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Muji revealed, the retention pond is cleaned every day. Meanwhile, the water is replaced every Friday to preserve the ecosystem in the pond.

"Cleaned every day to clean the leaves," he said.

The retention pond in the Elderly Park is also related to the pond in Kandagapuspa Park which is located on Jalan Citarum.

It's just that the retention pond located in Kandagapuspa Park has a different function from the retention pond in the Elderly Park.

The retention pond in Kandagapuspa Park has a volume of 6593.28 cubic meters and an inundation area of 4120.8 square meters with a depth of 2 meters.

Muji said that the retention pond in Kandagapuspa Park, called the smoke pond, has no function. It only serves to contain the water that is channeled from the retention pond in the Elderly Park.

"For the one in Kandagapuspa Park there is nothing. It only relies on the dam, that's the name of the smoke pond," he said. (Weilly/ikbal-apprentice)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency


Yayan A. Brilyana