Education and culture

Education is practically inseparable from cultural values. In maintaining and preserving one's own culture, the most effective transfer process is through education. The two are very closely related because they complement and support each other. The purpose of education is to preserve and always improve the culture itself, with education we can transfer the culture itself from generation to generation.


The purpose of National Education as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution is to educate the 
nation's life and develop human resources (HR). 
Among them are people who believe, fear God Almighty; virtuous character; have knowledge; Skills; physical
and spiritual health; good personality; independence and a sense of social and national responsibility.

Therefore, education occupies a very important element in development. 
In the face of both national and international developments that are so global and increasingly complex, 
it demands the availability of quality human resources.
Education is a field that must be able to create superior quality of Human Resources.

At the national level, the programs implemented still refer to 4 strategic programs, namely improving 
the quality of education, increasing educational equity, increasing education efficiency and the relevance
of education in accordance with the demands and needs of the community. 
In addition, the 9-Year Basic Education Compulsory Education pilot program is a strategic program that
continues to be pursued nationally.

At the regional level, West Java Province is the province that first announced the achievement of 
the 90-year Human Development Index (HDI) target in 2023. 
West Java Province has established policies in the education sector. These policies include efforts 
to increase (APS) School Participation Rates, Expectations of Years of Schooling and (HLS) Average Years 
of Schooling in order to increase (IP) Education Index.
Based on Law Number 12 of 2008 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning 
Regional Government, it is stated that education is one of the areas of government that must be carried out
by Regencies/Cities. With regard to this obligation, the Bandung City Government has established 
the regional authority as an autonomous region as stipulated in the Bandung City Regional Regulation 
Number 02 of 2001 concerning the Regional Authority of the City of Bandung as an Autonomous Region.

In addition, the legal basis for administering government and implementing development, has also been
stipulated Bandung City Regional Regulation Number 08 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Organizational
Structure of the Bandung City Regional Office. 
And Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 1380 of 2016 concerning Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and
Functions and Work Procedures of the Education Office.

In line with the demands of future developments, the Bandung City Government has launched a medium-term
development plan as stated in Bandung City Regulation Number 2 of 2019 concerning the 2018-2023 
Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJPD). 
In the RPJMD it was emphasized that the vision for the development of the City of Bandung to be 
achieved was "The realization of a comfortable, superior, prosperous, and religious city of Bandung."
Regional development programs are programs or strategic agendas of regional heads in the RPJMD period 
which will be priorities or targets for five (5) years which are directly dedicated to achieving 
regional targets. In its implementation, regional development programs are carried out in the
administration of affairs that are the authority of the region. The regional development program that 
will be implemented for 5 (five) years for the 2018-2023 period is to answer strategic issues which 
consist of:
1. Improving the quality of education
2. Increasing the degree of public health
3. Poverty alleviation and PMKS
4. Improve the city's economy
5. Governance
6. Optimization of infrastructure and spatial planning
7. Quality living environment and optimization of waste management
8. Synergy of development financing



Bandung is not only a city that is home to millions of its citizens. More than that, Bandung is a story and
history that has been going on for more than two centuries. Bandung has always been known for its beauty.
This city surrounded by mountains does save millions of natural beauty. Not only that, various kinds of 
interesting tourist destinations ranging from culinary places to recreational areas can be found in the 
city of Bandung.
Besides being known as Paris Van Java and the City of Flowers, Bandung is also dubbed The Most European
City in The East Indies, Bandung Excelsior, Intellectuele Centrum Van Indie, Europe in The Tropen, 
Permai City, Education City, Creative City to Culinary City.