
Regarding illegal parking, the Bandung City Transportation Department needs the participation of all elements

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) ensures that it will continue to curb illegal parking. This includes continuing to educate parking officers to act according to the rules.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 20 April 2024 09:17

"Illegal parking is not only the government's fault, but the public must also understand. They must be able to choose and choose (parking locations). So, for example, when parking on the sidewalk, why park on the sidewalk? The sidewalk is not for parking, but for pedestrians," said Plt. . Head of Bandung City Transportation Agency, Asep Kuswara at Bandung City Hall, Friday 19 April 2024.

Asep hopes that people will also understand traffic signs. For example, if there is a no parking sign then don't violate it.

"So differentiate between legal parking and illegal parking. Illegal parking means parking in the wrong place. Legal parking is in the right place, it doesn't block the entire vehicle path," explained Asep.

Asep added that official officers also have uniforms and full names as parking attendants in every corner of the parking location.

"The parking attendant has a name tag, there is a characteristic and an official ticket, this is to find out how many hours he used (parked the vehicle). Parking has a central zone, a buffer zone and a peripheral zone, the service rates are also appropriate, both for cars large, small and even motorbikes," explained Asep.

"I hope that people don't park wrongly. If you park wrongly, it will cause traffic jams which will lead to waste of fuel," he added.

Please note, parking rates in Bandung City are regulated in Mayor Regulation (Perwal) Number 66 of 2021.

In the Perwal, it is stated that one of the principles for applying this tariff rate is to pay attention to parking zones, which consist of parking zones in the city center area, city buffer areas and parking zones in suburban areas.

In the parking zone in the city center area, the rate for motorbikes is set at IDR 3,000 per hour, with the condition that every subsequent hour an additional IDR 3,000 is added. For four-wheeled motorized vehicles, three-wheeled vehicles, sedans and the like, IDR 5,000 per hour and every subsequent hour an additional IDR 5,000 is added.

In the city buffer zone parking zone, motorbikes are charged IDR 2,000 per hour, with the provision that every subsequent hour an additional IDR 2,000 is added. For four-wheeled motorized vehicles, three-wheeled vehicles, sedans and the like, IDR 4,000 per hour and every subsequent hour an additional IDR 4,000 is added.

Meanwhile, the rate for motorized vehicles transporting box and pickup type goods in parking zones in suburban areas is set at IDR 3,000 per hour and every subsequent hour an additional IDR 3,000 is added. The provisions are the same for four-wheeled motorized vehicles, three-wheeled vehicles, sedans and the like. As for motorbikes, the rate is IDR 2,000 and every subsequent hour an additional IDR 2,000 is added. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office


Yayan A. Brilyana