
TP PKK Bandung City Wins 1st Place in the West Java Provincial Rainbow Gallery Jingle Competition

The Bandung City Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (TP PKK) won 1st place in the Pelangi Gallery jingle competition at the West Java Province level at the TP PKK West Java Province Office, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, Tuesday 23 April 2024.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 25 April 2024 15:21

The city of Bandung successfully outperformed the 18 city districts in West Java that participated in the competition. In this event, Bandung City was represented by Rancasari District.

"Thank God, based on the jury's decision, TP PKK Bandung City won 1st place in the Jinggle Gelari Pelangi competition at the West Java Province level," said Chairman of TP PKK Rancasari District, Widia Suprapti Hamdani.

According to Widia, after winning at the provincial level, he will then take part in a competition at the national level which will be held in May 2024.

"We will take part in a national level competition in May 2023 in Surakarta, Central Java. Hopefully the city of Bandung can provide the best results at the national level," he said.

Widia explained that TP PKK's motivation for this competition was to promote various superior programs in each region.

"Our motivation for participating in the competition is to spread the word about the Rainbow Gallery Movement. This movement is the flagship program of Working Group 2 according to the results of the PKK IX National Working Meeting," he explained.

He revealed that Galeri Pelangi stands for the Indonesian Family Movement to Improve the Quality of Education and Economic Management.

"The Pelangi Gallery program consists of the Reading Love Movement, Rumah Dilan (House of Education and Skills), Kampung Mandiri, UP2K (Efforts to Increase Family Income) and Cooperatives," explained Widia.

With this Geli Pelangi jingle, he continued, people will understand more about the importance of the role of the family in the economy and the quality of education will be better.

"With this jingle, people will more quickly understand the importance of the role of the family in improving the economy and quality of education towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045," he hoped. (yan)**

Head of Diskominfo Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana