
Let's Play While Learning at Warung Kebon Cipadung Kulon

Bandung residents who are looking for educational tourist attractions with their families, can try visiting Warung Kebon (Warbon) Cipadung Kulon. Located in RW 10, near the Cipadung Kulon Village office, Panyileukan District, Warung Kebon offers urban farming integration.

Din Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:33
Yuk Main Sambil Belajar di Warung Kebon Cipadung Kulon

Let's Play While Learning at Warung Kebon Cipadung Kulon

Bandung residents who are looking for educational tourist attractions with their families, can try visiting Warung Kebon (Warbon) Cipadung Kulon. Located in RW 10, near the Cipadung Kulon Village office, Panyileukan District, Warung Kebon offers urban farming integration.

On Thursday, January 20, 2022, Plt. The Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana visited this tourist spot. Not only going around seeing various plants, Yana also planted mango tree seeds on the available land. After walking around, there is one place that catches his attention, namely leuit.

Leuit is a place to store rice supplies for the Sundanese people in ancient times. The shape is like a mini house on stilts. The building is made of wood and woven bamboo.

"Wow, I haven't seen leuit in a long time. So remember childhood. There are also lots of vegetable and fruit plants from SAE's hunt. I've been drinking three kinds of drinks. There are eggs, oranges, now I want to try warm tea," Yana said while sipping her hot tea.

This 3,000 square meter land has various variants of agro-education. In the right lane, there are green vegetable plants in a row. There are chili, mustard, pakcoy, lime, tomato, and eggplant.

There are also fruit and herbal plants on the opposite side, such as cat whiskers, lavender, mango trees, and rambutan. There's even an eagle plant that's been a hit lately.

Not only plants, visitors can also see the five bee houses in Warung Kebon. The Head of Warbon Management, Hani Yuhani, explained that all of the farm animals here belong to the rare and superior category, for example bees. The bees here include a primitive type, namely, the clanging bee.

"People also usually call it trigona honey. This type of honey is quite expensive because the bees are also a rare species. It depends on how many milliliters. For 200 ml, it can be up to Rp. 170,000, "he said.

Not only bees, there are other superior livestock as well at this Kebon Shop. There are pelung chickens, ciung chickens, and ducks that they are also breeding here.

After getting tired of walking around, visitors can go to the available snack stalls. In this shop, not only sell food, but also products from processed to both organic and inorganic. Hani explained, the ultimate goal of Warbon is indeed to empower the economy of the surrounding community.

Hani explained that since its establishment in May 2021, the purpose of this Warbon was to educate the public, especially young people, to better preserve the environment.

For Hani, now is no longer the era of “Don't litter”, but must change to “Turn trash into economic value”.

“From the past until now, environmental problems have always been marginalized. If the government only moves, it will be difficult, there must also be support from the community to educate about the environment," he explained.

“We teach people to choose waste and process it. Some are used as craft materials such as wallets. There are also organic liquid fertilizers (PCO) and dry fertilizers. We also help market crop yields online," added Hani.

This Warbon has also become the center of activities for environmental activists. One of those involved is the Antique Used Goods (Rastik) community.

Rastik's founder and creator, Enie Mualifah, said that visitors who come to Warbon can learn to make crafts using used electronic goods.

"Every Tuesday we come here to provide training on how to manage electronic waste into various antique works of art," said Enie.

Plt. The Mayor of Bandung also had time to look at the works at Rastik's booth. There are glasses made of bamboo, pots made from old teapots, and decorative lamps made from used electronics.

To expand the love for the environment movement, Warbon also opens up opportunities for Bandung students who want to do field work practices (PKL).

One of the students who is running street vendors is Agis, a class XI student at SMKN 7 Bandung. During the internship, Agis learned how to process PCO and other activities related to the environment.

“There are 10 apprentices here. We learned how to make PCO, make virgin coconut oil, make biocomposter too. It's fun, so I learned a lot about the environment here," he said.

With students doing street vendors in Warbon, Hani hopes that they can become agents of change to make the environment of Bandung City even better in the future. (din)**