
The collaboration between the Government of Bandung and Cimahi successfully results in a retention basin

The Government of Bandung and Cimahi keep collaborating in order to address several issues with flooding as an example.

Yan Wednesday, 16 February 2022 16:42
Kolaborasi Pemkot Bandung dan Cimahi Sukses Hadirkan Kolam Retensi

The Government of Bandung and Cimahi keep collaborating in order to address several issues with flooding as an example.

The collaboration has resulted in Pasir Kaliki retention basin located at Budi St., Cimahi.

This retention basin is located in Cimahi but the construction was carried out by the Bandung Government. On Wednesday, 16 February, 2022, this retention basin was officially announced by the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana and the Acting Mayor of Cimahi, Lieutenant Colonel (Purn) Ngatiyana.

“The land was prepared by the Cimahi Government and collaboratively managed with the Bandung Government. It is aimed at reducing the floods occurred in several areas in Bandung or Cimahi,” said Yana Mulyana.

Yana further confirmed that regional authority was not an issue. Such collaboration and intention were to serve people, aiming at helping to reduce floods.

“This proves that authorities and regions are not the issue. We intend to serve people,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Acting Mayor of Cimahi, Lieutenant Colonel (Purn) Ngatiyana stated that the retention basin with the width of 7.000 meter square is located in a land of 10.000 meter square, with the remaining 3.000 meter square is prepared for public space.

“This retention basin reduces floods in Bandung and Cimahi, bordering Cimindi, Cilember, and Cibeber regions,” he said.

Thanks to this collaboration, this retention basin can reduce puddles approximately up to 28.000 meter cube.

Ngatiyana hopes that this retention basin is permanent after being built by BBWS in 2023

Alternatively, the Acting Head of Office of Management of Water Resources in Bandung, Didi Ruswandi explained that it can retain 28.000 cube of water

“This retention basin in the rainy season will be filled with water. However, when not raining, there will be dry land. This can be used as a camping site and other activities,” said Didi (yan)**

The Head of Communication and Informatics Agency of Bandung City

Yayan A. Brilyana