
Cutting Power Poles Again, the Bandung City Government Seriously Addresses Messy Cables

The Bandung City Government cut down four optical power poles on Juanda St., Friday, 11 March 2022 at 08.00 a.m.

Dina Friday, 11 March 2022 19:54

The employees worked together to cut the cables and power poles, then pulled them down together. It only required less than an hour for those poles and messy cables to completely vanish.

In total, the Bandung City Government had cut down 124 power poles.

“We have left one power pole belonging to PLN. If there are any optical cables that have not been cut down (grounding), temporarily, we will combine them in a power pole,” said the Regional Secretary of Bandung City, Ema Sumarna when surveying directly the process of cable grounding.

Not only focusing on optical cables, Ema also surveyed PLN crosswire cables throughout the sidewalks of Juanda St. Additionally, Ema also urged that the PLN cables on mini parks of the sidewalks must be addressed.

“As to these PLN cables, we will be coordinating, making them tied and combined to make them look tidy. Unnecessary cables will be cut as they could be dangerous,” he said.

Besides optical cables, Emma added that cables beside PLN’s must be coordinated for the grounding. Some of which was traffic light cables on Cikapayang St. managed by the Transportation Agency (Dishub).

“Dishub must also be participating in this cable grounding. So, Cikapangan Bridge will be free of cables,“ he said.

Ema confirmed that the target for non PLN cables that have not been grounded must be addressed within a week.

“At least, on 15 March they have already been grounded, including that of Telkom. Because, to date, Telkom still requires time for preparation for integrating the connection and other things,” Ema said.

Some power poles and cables on Juanda St. that will be further addressed are in the front of Borromeus Hospital, the crossroad of Dago McDonald’s, and Sariningsih.

“The grounding will be finished this week. Crosswire cables on streets and power poles that are unclear as to their functions will be dismantled, too. For the equipment, we will be coordinating with PDAM,” he said.

Besides power poles and cables assessment, Ema also always stressed on looking after public facilities to the employees, particularly sidewalks and parks.

“Do not let this assessment harm the existing facilities. Bandung must be kept gorgeous and aesthetic. Also, do not forget to close well the holes after the power pole digging,” he said. (din)**


The Head of Communication and Informatics Agency of Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana