
Diskominfo with Baznas of Bandung City Held the First Damar in Al-Ukhuwah Mosque Bandung

The Communication and Informatics Agency (Diskominfo) with the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bandung City held an event called the first Dakwah Menjelang Adzan Maghrib (Damar) Ramadan in Al-Ukhuwah Mosque Bandung, discussing a theme called Hikmah Bulan Suci Ramadan spoken by Ustadz H. Aming WS.

Admin Wednesday, 06 April 2022 23:44
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung 05 April 2022

On the third day of Ramadan, the Communication and Informatics Agency (Diskominfo) with the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bandung City held an event called the first Dakwah Menjelang Adzan Maghrib (Damar) Ramadan in Al-Ukhuwah Mosque Bandung, Tuesday, 5 April 2022.


This first event was themed Hikmah Bulan Suci Ramadan spoken by Ustadz H. Aming WS. The audience was not only Jemaah of the mosque since the event was also broadcasted on the YouTube channel of Diskominfo of Bandung City.


Aming said that this Ramadan there were many silver linings for Muslims. One of them was being forgiven for those fasting with correct intention to acquire ridho of Allah.


“Sins of people who are fasting in Ramadan will be forgiven just like a child who was just born,” Aming said.


Aming explained that Ramadan was an event to compete in infaq. Because this action could make muslims help each other.


“The happiest people are those who can make others happy,” Aming said.


At the end of the event, Baznas of Bandung City gave packages for iftar for all Jemaah who were present in the mosque.


The Head of the Communication and Informatics Agency of Bandung City

Yayan A. Brilayana