
It Becomes Easier! Exchange for Small Bills for Eid Mubarak through Bank Keliling

Approaching Eid Mubarak 1443 Hijriah, people’s needs of small bills increase. Usually, small bills are used to give each other ‘THR’ in Eid Mubarak.

Din Monday, 11 April 2022 11:18
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung 11 April 2022

Approaching Eid Mubarak 1443 Hijriah, people’s needs of small bills increase. Usually, small bills are used to give each other ‘THR’ in Eid Mubarak.


Looking at the high demands, the Representative of Bank Indonesia (BI) of West Java addressed it by initiating Serambi Rupiah Ramadan.


Collaborating with 14 other banks, this program provides mobile bank services or Bank Kelililing across regencies and cities in West Java.


The Head of BI of West Java Branch, Herawanto, said that the service would be started simultaneously until 26 April 2022.


“West Java residents’ small bill needs in Ramadan reach Rp24 trillion. BI, along with other 14 banks, are ready to serve the public demands,” he said after the Kick Off Serambi Rupiah Ramadan event on Monday, 11 April 2022 in BI of West Java office.


Herawanto explained that a person could only exchange money for Rp3,8 million at the maximum. The exchanged money would be in Rp20.000, Rp10.000, Rp5.000, Rp2.000, and Rp1.000 bills.


“However, for Rp1.000 bills, we will use coins,” he emphasized.


Herawanto added that to ease the service, the involved banks would also provide cashless payment. So, it would be more secured when exchanging the money.


“We also provide Electronic Banking Center (EBC) facility. People can just use their debit card to exchange money. So, it is more secured compared to bringing a huge amount of cash,” he said.


Although the money exchange service becomes easier, Herawanto asked people to spend their money wisely.


“Please use your money wisely, do not overspend it and just spend it based on your needs,” he said.


As a response, the Acting Mayor of Bandung City, Yana Mulyana, highly appreciated the service for the public provided by BI.


“The service is provided to address people’s tradition in exchanging for new bills,” Yana said.


Yana hoped that the collaboration would create other new collaborations to further recover the economy of Bandung City after the pandemic.


“Hopefully, this shows Bandung City’s progress towards economic recovery after the pandemic. We also hope that BI can give financial support for our MSMEs that are underway in the progress of economic recovery,” he expected.


Such an appreciation was also given by the Head of OJK Regional 2 of West Java, Indarto Budiwitono. He believed that with this program, Indonesian banking could recover the economy after the pandemic.


“The purpose of this money circulation is not only a task of BI, but all banks,” Indarto said. (din)**

The Head of the Communication and Informatics Agency of Bandung City 

Yayan A. Brilyana