
Get Ready, 80 Public Health Centres for Adolescences Will be Available in Bandung City this Year

The Health Agency of Bandung City collaborates with Karang Taruna in their respective areas and each intends to construct 80 Public Health Centres for Adolescences in Bandung City throughout 2022.

Humas Dinkes Kota Bandung Tuesday, 12 April 2022 21:29
Humas Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung
Humas Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung

The Health Agency of Bandung City collaborates with Karang Taruna in their respective areas and each intends to construct 80 Public Health Centres for Adolescences in Bandung City throughout 2022. It was planned through the meeting of the Initiation of Adolescence Public Health Service Construction of Bandung City, Monday, 11 April 2022.


The School-Based Health Survey in Indonesia in 2015 shows that students of 12-18 years old indicate that 41,8% of males and 4,1% female students admitted they smoked cigarettes and 31,82% of them had their first cigarette when they were under 13 years old. The same data show that 8,26% of male students and 4,17% of female students had sex, including other health issues. The complexity of health issues in teenagers requires to be addressed comprehensively, integrating all aspects.


The Secretary of Health Agency of Bandung City, Anhar Hadian, said that the challenge in managing Public Health Centres for Adolescences was in inviting teenagers to visit the facility.


“In Public Health Centres for Babies (Balita), their parents will come with their babies because they need to know their children’s development. In Public Health Centres for the Elderly (Lansia), the patients will come by themselves because they require a place to gather and socialize, whereas teenagers are unable to come to the facility at working hours because they are in school,” Anhar said.


He emphasized that the facility required an innovation to attract teenagers to consult regarding health or receive education in the facility. It could be achieved if the message (tagline) sent to teenagers is interesting.


The Sub Coordinator of Family Health and Nutrition of the Health Agency of Bandung City, Dewi Primasari, stated that the facility was constructed to address health issues faced by teenagers and to promote good habits to prevent them from activities detrimental to their health in the future, such as smoking, free sex, infrequent teeth brushing, low physical activities, eating less fruits and vegetables, etc.


“The main purpose of the facility is to make the access closer and improve health services for teenagers. Health issue interventions at school and teenage age affect behaviour, environment, genetics, and health services. One of its principles is to make health services provided by, from, and for teenagers in every Ward closer,” Dewi said


A psychologist from the Research Centre at Padjajaran University, Mawar Nitta Pohan, described that health education in the facility covered identity that would help teenagers in shaping themselves in making decisions.


“Public Health Centres for Teenagers must help and guide teenagers to equip them well for their adulthood, when making decisions,” she said.


Concerning this, she advised that strengthening health education for teenagers in the facility must focus on the approach to the schools first, as they had an important role in teenagers’ life. Additionally, it would require an interesting topic in line with teenagers’ passions.


The Head of Karang Taruna of Bandung City, Andri Gunawan, also showed support and commitment in constructing the facility in wards in Bandung City. Andri supported the integration of activities of Ward Karang Taruna with the facility so that teenagers could get more benefits from the activities.


In the future, the Health Agency of Bandung City, along with the respective stakeholders, intend to make the facility similar with that of Balita and Lansia that are easily accessible and affordable throughout Bandung City.


The Public Relations of the Health Agency of Bandung City