
Baznas and the Bandung City Government Distributed Donations from King Salman

The National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bandung City and the Bandung City Government distributed donations consisting of 100 basic need packages. The distribution itself was carried out by the Acting Mayor of Bandung City, Yana Mulyana, in the City Hall of Bandung City.

Syifa Wednesday, 13 April 2022 19:26
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung 13 April 2022

The National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bandung City and the Bandung City Government distributed donations from the Saudi Arabia Government. The donations consisted 100 basic need packages.


The distributed packages covered: 20 kg of rice, 2 litre of cooking oil, 1 kg of sugar, 2 kg of flour, 2 canned sardines, 1 bottled chilli sauce and soy sauce, ½ kg of salt, and 3 boxes of instant noodles.


The distribution was carried out by the Acting Mayor of Bandung City, Yana Mulyana, in the City Hall of Bandung City, Wednesday, 13 April 2022.


Yana expressed his gratitude and appreciated the food donation for Bandung City residents.


“Thanks to King Salman for his donations given through Baznas for Bandung City residents affected socially and economically by Covid-19,” Yana said.


He believed that the donations would help people affected by Covid-19.


Additionally, the Head of Baznas of Bandung City, Dr. Akhmad Roziqin, M.Ag, stated that every package received by a person was worth Rp500.000. Every package consisted basic needs.


He also believed that the packages could help people affected by Covid-19. Especially during this Ramadan.


“Hopefully, the food donations could motivate muzzaki to always pay their zakat and help people in their sahoor and iftar needs during Ramadan,” he said.


The Head of the Communication and Informatics Agency of Bandung City 

Yayan A. Brilayana