
Visit Amputee Teenager, Yana Gives Motivation and Help

Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana visits a young woman, Trisa Purwati (16) at her residence in Dago Village, Coblong District, Tuesday 12 July 2022.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 13 July 2022 00:01
Wali Kota Bandung Yana Mulyana mengunjungi kediaman Trisa Purwati (16), Trisa Merupakan remaja yang terpaksa harus diamputasi akibat pembuluh darah pecah setelah terjatuh satu tahun lalu.

Trisa Is a teenager who had to be amputated due to a broken blood vessel after a fall one year ago.

On that occasion, Yana motivated Trisa to keep going to school.

"We are here to motivate Trisa to continue to be enthusiastic and provide the spirit to continue to help others, especially for residents in need," said Yana.

During the visit, Kang Yana provided assistance with school uniforms and kadedeuh for Trisa.

Yana advised Trisa to continue to be strong and enthusiastic about going to school. Moreover, Trisa has completed her secondary education at SMPN 35.

And according to her dreams, Trisa will now continue to SMAN 19 Bandung.

"No need to worry, we all love Trisa," said Yana, which was immediately responded with a smile and thanks by Trisa.

Lurah Dago Pojok Nurwaliawati Affandi said that his party provided support and assistance.

"God willing, Trisa has entered DTKS Assistance (Integrated Data on Social Welfare). Apart from that, there is wheelchair assistance, canes, health access assistance, and assistance for school needs," he said.

Not only that, Dago Village also helps Trisa to attend SMAN 19 Bandung.

"God willing, because it is not too far from SMAN 19. The zoning should have been fulfilled. We from the side to the region of course facilitate the administrative needs," he said.

Meanwhile, Trisa's parents, Aep (60), revealed that Trisa had an accident falling down the stairs. However, because it was mishandled and left for too long, his injury became serious.

"It happened in 2021, there was a mishandling, until it finally got worse. This incident had shocked Trisa. But now it is gradually getting better," he said.

Aep is also grateful for this visit.

"Thanks to Mr. Wali for the visit and assistance provided. This visit means a lot to me and Trisa," said Aep.(sya)**


Head of the Communication and Information Office of Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana