
RASS, Security Installation and Student Character Building on Foot

The city of Bandung now has a Safe Safe School Route (RASS). This RASS installation not only gives pedestrians a sense of security in the educational environment, but also makes children accustomed to walking to school.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 20 July 2022 13:11
Wali Kota Bandung Yana Mulyana menghadiri acara Pencanagan Rute Aman Selamat Sekolah (RASS) di SMPN 55 Bandung, Jalan Cigondewah Kaler, Rabu 20 Juli 2022.

RASS, Security Installation and Student Character Building on Foot

The city of Bandung now has a Safe Safe School Route (RASS). This RASS installation not only gives pedestrians a sense of security in the educational environment, but also makes children accustomed to walking to school.

The declaration of RASS was carried out by the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana at SMPN 55 Bandung, Jalan Cigondewah Kaler, Bandung City.

In her speech, Yana said, walking to school is a good habit that needs to be applied from an early age.

"I hope this is sustainable, and hopefully RASS in various schools will also run and be realized," Yana said, Wednesday, July 20, 2022.

He also advised vehicle users on the road to respect RASS. Because, this is a joint effort in realizing safe travel to school.

The presence of the RASS installation at SMPN 55 Bandung is a collaboration between the Bandung City Education Office (Disdik), the Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub), and the Bandung City Water Resources and Highways Service (DSDABM), along with other parties including the community around the school.

Head of DSDABM Bandung, Didi Ruswani said, RASS is a continuation of the bike to school movement or cycling to school.

Furthermore, Didi said, this movement is an effort to build character for children.

Philosophically, he describes, walking to school is a habit to shape children's character so they can be responsible.

"If it's delivered, you name it, it's enough to be a passenger, the child has arrived at school. But if they are accustomed to walking, children are responsible for being able to come on time,” said Didi.

He also hopes that this activity will not only be infrastructure development, but also build good habits.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of Bandung City Education Office, Hikmat Ginanjar. Wisdom said, education and character building of children is a shared responsibility.

“Applying good character and habits is done from an early age. Because these children are the leaders in the future,” he said. (ray)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana