
Commemorating Harganas, Stunting Prevention Becomes Attention

Family has an important role in maintaining health. The reason is, if the family system is not strong enough, it will allow a shift in values ​​from collective to individualistic.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 23 July 2022 13:41
Hari Keluarga Nasional Tingkat Kota Bandung 2023

This was stated by the Regional Secretary of the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna at the commemoration of the National Family Day (harganas) at the Bandung City level, at the Bandung City Hall Plaza, Saturday, July 23, 2022.

"For example, family members are busy with their gadgets and others with work or other less productive activities, so they forget their family obligations," he said.

According to him, this condition allows family members who have lost their way to be neglected, resulting in malnutrition and even stunting.

"Stunting is caused by malnutrition which is the cause of failure to thrive in toddlers," he said.

"Although the stunting rate in the city of Bandung will decrease in 2021, namely 1.34 percent compared to 2020 or reduced by 9,567 to 7,568 children under five. This issue must be a serious concern for families because it involves the future," explained Ema.

Therefore, according to him, Harganas' warning is to strengthen the commitment to build a healthy and quality family according to the theme "Let's Prevent Stunting for Stunting-Free Families".

Ema said that the Bandung City Government continues to encourage the role of the family through interventions according to its authority. This includes facilitating 10 main PKK programs, especially those related to health food.

"Stunting prevention through family strengthening is not only quantitative, but also qualitative targets. Namely maintaining a culture of mutual cooperation in creating a healthy and prosperous family," said Ema.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City PKK TP, Yunimar Mulyana also believes that optimizing the role of the family is very important, especially stunting prevention.

"This is important because stunting starts from the family giving it to the next generation. For good nutrition it is also a virtuous parenting pattern," he said.

According to Yunimar, a number of stunting prevention programs have been implemented. One of them, Bandung Taginas (Bandung Responds to Stunting with Safe and Healthy Food).

There is also the provision of safe and healthy food from UP2K (Family Income Increase).

"There is Bandung Tangginas which has been running since 2019. From the DKPP (Food and Agriculture Security Agency) there is Buruan SAE. It is also hoped that all sub-districts and urban villages can collaborate," he explained.

He hoped that Harganas would not be just a ceremonial ceremony, but a shared commitment to reduce stunting rates.

"The hope is that it is not only ceremonial, there is also a reduction in stunting in the city of Bandung through collaboration," he said. (yes)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology


Yayan A. Brilyana