
Bandung City Government Ensures 13 Wifi Points Back to Function at the End of September

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has ensured that the wifi at 13 points will return to function at the end of September. The Wifi network at 13 points was indeed disrupted due to the transfer of overhead cables into the ground (ducting) in the Dago area some time ago.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 30 August 2022 13:29
Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bandung Yayan A. Brilayana
Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bandung Yayan A. Brilayana

"At the end of September it will return to function. The disturbance occurred due to the transfer of cables," said Head of the Bandung City Communications and Information Office, Yayan A. Brilyana, Tuesday, August 30, 2022.

As many as 13 points were disturbed, namely the Superhero Orchid Garden, Cibeunying Park, Flower Library, Elderly, Supratman, and Scout Park.

Other points are Cempaka Park, Radio, Pet Park, Panatayuda, Cikapayang, Pusdai Mosque, and Istiqomah Mosque.

According to Yayan, this year Diskominfo Bandung will build 40 wifi points. A total of 21 of them already exist.

Of the 21 wifi points, 13 of them experienced interference. The rest are still working very well.

"We hope that residents can take advantage of the existing facilities. Including taking care of them," said Yayan.

Meanwhile, Bali Tower Government Relations, Esha Rakyan, emphasized that his party immediately fixed the malfunctioning wifi. It is estimated that by the end of September it will be able to return to function.

"Currently it is still in the process of being worked on. Hopefully, by the end of September, Bandung residents will be able to return to using wifi in public places," he said.*

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilayana