
Regional Secretary: All Move Against Vandalism

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) invites all its staff and all elements of society to jointly move against the vandalism that is rife in the city of Bandung.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 20 September 2022 14:24
Sekretaris Daerah Kota Bandung, Ema Sumarna mengatakan, gerakan melawan aksi vandalisme ini untuk menjaga ketertiban, kebersihan, dan estetika Kota.

"This must be our attention. At least the protocol road is maintained, we have to do the painting of the roadblocks and the cleaning of vandalism. We encourage to bring cleanliness and order," said Ema while chairing the Coordination Meeting of Tantibum, K3, and Inflation Control Activities, at Bandung City Hall. , Tuesday 20 September 2022.

He emphasized that the Bandung City Government would monitor and take action against the vandals.

"There must be 24-hour supervision. Optimizing the role of linmas and Satpol PP," he said.

"Seek cooperation with the Kodim Intel and Bandunh Polrestabes to find the perpetrators of vandalism in the city of Bandung. Take firm action against the perpetrators," he added.

In addition, he also asked all regional levels to paint road curbs, especially along protocol roads in his area.

"We want this to be sustainable. There will be no vandalism, the road curb paint will be finished soon, and there will be no more piles of garbage. Everything is sorted out, involve all stakeholders," said Ema.

Responding to this, Assistant for Government and People's Welfare, Asep Saeful Gufron, admitted that he had coordinated with the Sub-District Head Association and the Lurah Association to carry out night surveillance in a number of areas prone to acts of vandalism.

"We have coordinated with the Sub-District Head Association to optimize the role of linmas to be assigned from 22.00 WIB to 06.00 WIB in areas prone to vandalism," he said.

Regarding the painting of the curbs in the regions, Asep said that all regional levels are making an inventory of the curbs that have not been painted.

"Regional activities are still ongoing, we are coordinating with stakeholders. Indeed, there are road pavements that have not been painted," he said.

"We are waiting for the APBDP of Rp. 30 million per kelurahan for painting the curbs," he added. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana