
Entering the rainy season, avoid parking under trees

Entering the rainy season, motorized vehicle users are advised to remain vigilant. One of them is to avoid parking vehicles under trees.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 07 October 2022 16:12

This is to anticipate if a tree falls so that the vehicle remains safe and avoids accidents.

"Currently the weather conditions are extreme. There are heavy winds and heavy rain, with that we urge the public to avoid parking around trees. So it's best to avoid it first," said Head of the Bandung City Housing and Settlement Area Agency (DPKP), Rizki Kusrulyadi Friday, October 7 2022.

According to him, before the rainy season, DPKP had trimmed and cut down twigs and branches. This is to reduce the burden on the tree.

"Before the rainy season, we have anticipated the pruning of trees. Even if necessary, when it is prone to felling, it is replaced with new trees," he explained.

Facing the current season, Rizki admitted that he had coordinated with the local government to anticipate accidents caused by trees.

"Extreme weather is difficult to predict. Because the condition of the roots on the tree sometimes cannot be detected from the outside. We continue to communicate intensely with regional officials to be followed up," he said.

He also hopes that the community will take care of the trees properly.

"We ask residents not to burn garbage near trees. If it is done for a long period of time, it is prone to falling and being damaged," he said.

Rizki emphasized that the tree security team also continues to search the city of Bandung every day to ensure the plants are safe.

"Always moving every day. Of course, the matter of pruning in the city of Bandung is quite extensive, prioritized areas with lots of trees planted," he said. (yes)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana