
Pressing the Case of PLWHA, WPA Forum Bandung City Intensively Regional Development

Data from the Bandung City Health Office mentions that HIV/AIDS cases in the city of Bandung from 1991 to December 2021 reached 5,843 cases. This number brings the city of Bandung to the first rank in the highest HIV cases in West Java.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 18 October 2022 14:28
Forum WPA Kota Bandung Gencar Bina Wilayah,18 Oktober 2022

Of this number, 11.18 percent were cases of HIV/AIDS among housewives. The estimated increase in new cases among housewives is around 40 cases every year.

From this phenomenon, the Chair of the Bandung City AIDS Concerned Citizens Forum (WPA), Yunimar Yana Mulyana said to reduce the increase in the number of people living with HIV AIDS (PLWHA), his party is intensively conducting Regional Development for sub-district WPA cadres and other education. Including through social media.

“We will hold this Regional Development in all Districts. This is a form of active community collaboration to reduce the number of PLWHA, especially in the city of Bandung," said Yuni after the Socialization of the Pokja Regional Development Team to empower the AIDS Management Commission (KPA) for the Cinambo District, Gedebage Rancasari Buahbatu, and Bandung Kidul, at the Cinambo District Office, Tuesday. October 18, 2022.

As the Chairperson of the WPA Forum, Yuni encourages sub-district WPAs to actively record data for people living with HIV. Furthermore, they are given the understanding to commit to treatment and not pass it on to other people. Not only that, they also involve a number of regional influencers in the city of Bandung to educate residents about PLHAs.

"Usually people living with HIV are not open. Hopefully with a love and compassion approach, they can open up," said Yuni.

Yuni ensured that she would continue to educate residents not to create a negative stigma in society for PLWHA. Not only that, his party is also ready to facilitate PLWHA to communicate with WPA in order to reduce the number of HIV/AIDS.

"There is no need for babies with PLWHA, if PLWHA mothers can communicate with WPA. So it is possible to go to the Puskesmas and be given treatment," he said. (sya)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana