
Central Antapani Village, First Village Passed as STBM Region

Central Antapani Village is the first urban village in Bandung City that has implemented Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM).

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 26 October 2022 17:46
Dari giat Kelurahan Antapani Tengah STM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat) Rabu 26 Okt 2022

To get this, although various verifications go to the kelurahan that implements healthy sanitation in the community.

"We declared the STBM village, on behalf of the entire community of Central Antapani village, we are determined to maintain the Central Antapani village as an STBM village by implementing the five pillars of STBM," said Central Antapani Village Head, Teguh Haris Pathon, at the STBM Village Declaration event, at the Griya Antapani Health Center UPT. , Wednesday 26 October 2022.

Teguh revealed, the five pillars are implementing the movement to stop open defecation and access to healthy latrines. Second, wash your hands with soap.

Third, proper management of food and beverages. Fourth, managing household waste properly and finally managing household liquid waste properly.

"We hope that after this declaration can be implemented properly and maintain it," said Teguh.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, appreciated the implementation of STBM in Antapani Tengah Village, Antapani District.

"Of course, on behalf of the Bandung City Government, I would like to express my appreciation for the Central Antapani sub-district as the first urban village to be able to STBM," said Yana.

He also emphasized that not only declarations, but also initiation of participation are the keys to consistently run them.

"This process must be difficult because of how the initiation and participation of the community consistently carry out the five pillars," he said.

According to Yana, this application is a trigger for other kelurahan to implement STBM which is one of the sanitation areas.

"This STBM is a trigger for other urban villages in the city of Bandung. Because until now for ODF, from 151 urban villages, only 93 villages have ODF, the rest our target in 2023 can be all villages with 100 percent ODF," said Yana.

Meanwhile, Head of the Griya Antapani Health Center UPT, Fatimah, said that today's activity had been initiated by external verification activities to 24 RW, 353 houses, 596 heads of families in Central Antapani sub-district.

"This activity is carried out by 12 teams, 1 team consists of 3 people. It consists of various elements, sub-districts, urban villages, PKK cadres and posyandu cadres as well as sanitarians at 20 health centers," he said.

He explained, after that a plenary meeting was held by the Health Office and the results were declared eligible for the first STBM in Bandung City.

"Alhamdulillah, from the meeting, it was stated that the Central Antapani sub-district has met the requirements for the first STBM in Bandung City," he explained. (yes)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana