
Four Areas in the City of Bandung Make Danone Aqua Interested in Collaborating with Arrangements

PT. Tirta Investama (Danone AQUA) showed his interest in managing the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) area in Bandung City. This is reflected in the presence of the Aqua Culinary Terrace in the West Cikapundung area which is a collaboration between Danone Aqua and the Bandung City Government.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 27 October 2022 17:00
Audiensi PT. Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) terkait penataan kawasan kuliner Kota Bandung di Balaikota, Kamis (27/10/2022).

In an audience at City Hall, RSM OP Region 3 PT. Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) M. Taufan Raditya expressed his interest in organizing several areas such as the Cikapundung Terrace.

Some of the areas in question include: Cilaki Culinary Area Day and night on Jalan Cilaki, Culinary Area Day and night Jalan Teuku Umar (right side of Unpad door), Culinary area Day and night on Jalan Hasanudin (left side of Unpad door), Afternoon Culinary Area and Night Front of the Pusdai Mosque on Jalan Diponegoro.

In addition, his party also conveyed the intention to carry out maintenance on the Aqua Culinary Terrace area, West Cikapundung.

"Thank you for the arrangement cooperation at the West Cikapundung Aqua Culinary Terrace. We see that we want a continuation at other points or areas," said Taufan.

Based on the survey, Taufan said, this area received positive appreciation from the people of Bandung. He hoped that this arrangement would be realized soon.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, positively welcomed the aims and objectives of PT. Tirta Investama (Danone AQUA) manages a number of areas in the city of Bandung.

In addition to making the area neater, Yana also said that this arrangement was an effort to strengthen the MSME sector in the midst of the 2023 global recession.

“These MSME friends are relatively resistant to economic shocks. I think it's the job of all of us to encourage them. However, once again, the Bandung City Government cannot run alone without the help of other parties,” he said.

After the hearing, the Bandung City Government and PT. Tirta Investama (Danone AQUA) will undergo a series of processes until the area and design of the arrangement will be decided.

"The sooner the better. However, we still obey the existing rules or regulations," said Yana. (ray)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana