
Prevent Stunting, Bandung City Presents Dashat

Stunting is a chronic problem that requires immediate and comprehensive treatment. Family planning instructors, and urban community institutions (IMP), TP PKK as the spearhead of family development, population, and family planning programs (bangga Kencana) can play an important role in intervening families at risk of stunting directly in the field.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 14 November 2022 18:55
Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Dashat), di Hotel Four Points, Senin 14 November 2022.

For this reason, to anticipate stunting, the Bandung City Government together with the Bandung City PKK launched the Healthy Kitchen Overcome Stunting (Dashat), at the Four Points Hotel, Monday, November 14, 2022.

The launch was attended directly by the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, Chairman of the Bandung City PKK TP, Yunimar Mulyana and Posyandu cadres to the sub-district PKK TP.

The activity was carried out for 5 days, 14-18 November 2022. Dashat training activities were also carried out at the Grandia Hotel.

"Stunting is caused by sanitation, the environment and poor nutrition. If it's the environment, it must be 100 percent ODF. For poor nutrition, training like this, for babies and their mothers get balanced nutrition," said Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyna.

The presence of Dashat, continued Yana, can bring the family planning village to be of high quality. By holding this training, it can increase community empowerment in an effort to fulfill balanced nutrition for families at risk of stunting (especially from underprivileged families).

"This activity is also sought to improve the nutritional quality of the community, especially for families at risk of stunting by optimizing various resources in order to accelerate efforts to reduce stunting," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City PKK TP, Yunimar Mulyana said that stunting is a problem that needs special attention, because stunting can interfere with the development and growth of children, and not only physically attack but also child development.

"The city of Bandung is currently not free from the problem of stunting, in 2021 there will still be around 7.59 percent or as many as 7,568 children under five in stunting condition because they fail to thrive due to malnutrition," he said.

He added, PKK presents collaboration with various sectors in providing solutions to this stunting problem. In collaboration with the Bandung City DPPKB, they conducted a Healthy Kitchen Overcoming Stunting (Dashat) training with the theme "Dashat PKK in KB Village Overcome Stunting".

"Through this training, cadres and movers in the field get enlightenment about the importance of healthy and nutritious food to overcome stunting. In the PKK program we are also familiar with the term B2SA food (diverse, balanced and safe nutritious food)," he said.

Yunimar explained that the City of Bandung had made various innovations in an effort to accelerate stunting reduction, namely Bandung Tanginas (Bandung Responsive Stunting with Safe and Healthy Food) which is an activity of the Bandung City PKK TP which in its implementation has collaborated with various parties.

"This movement was carried out starting in 2019 in collaboration with the Bandung City Baznas in distributing ready-to-eat foods that are nutritionally balanced for 1000 HPK in 15 stunting locus villages. Then, in 2021, they are still collaborating with the Bandung City Baznas to provide safe and healthy food in 151 urban villages throughout the city of Bandung," Yunimar explained.

In addition, he continued, TP PKK conducted training for posyandu cadres throughout the city of Bandung in collaboration with PDGMI (Indonesian Medical Nutrition Doctors Association) which aims to improve the ability of cadres to weigh and measure toddlers in posyandu and increase cadres' knowledge about stunting.

"TP PKK also collaborates with Telkom University in developing the Bandung Tanginas application and making digital scales and height measuring devices that are connected to the Bandung Tanginas application," Yunimar explained.

In the same place, the Head of the Bandung City Population Control and Family Planning Agency, Kenny Kaniasari explained, the activity was motivated by the benefits of quality family villages for the community.

Kampung KB is one of the government's ultimate weapons in overcoming population problems, which is an icon of family development, population and family planning (Bangga Kencana).

"The family planning village (quality family) is currently filled with one of the new activities, namely the devastating activity, so this activity is expected to bring quality family planning villages," he said.

Kenny said the purpose of this training was to empower the community regarding balanced nutrition.

"Improving the nutritional quality of families at risk of stunting, as well as efforts to reduce stunting, especially at the regional level," he said. (yes)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology

Yayan A. Brilyana