
On the fourth day of Dashat, PKK women learn how to process catfish into meatballs and nuggets

The head of the Bandung City TP PKK Yunimar Mulyana said Dashat was an attempt by the Bandung City Government to reduce stunting rates. This activity is also an instruction from the president and is also part of the central National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) program.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 17 November 2022 14:17
Kegiatan Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Dashat) sudah berlangsung empat hari. Pada gelaran hari ini, Kamis 17 November 2022, para peserta yang terdiri dari perwakilan anggota PKK di Kota Bandung belajar menyajikan lele ke dalam berbagai variasi olahan.

"This is to prevent stunting, as well as so that mothers have lots of processed catfish references for consumption," he said.

The participants were given assistance in processing catfish into three types: nuggets, meatballs and crispy. The goal is that these three alternative servings are relatively suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and babies.

"In addition, catfish food ingredients are also easy to obtain, the price is not expensive and the nutritional content is high," Yunimar added.

The Bandung City Government is indeed in the middle of trying to reduce it. Various trainings were also conducted, for example training for tanginas families.

The Bandung City Government provided 755 heads of budikdamber (fish farming in buckets) assistance to the participants. It is hoped that the participants will be able to develop budikdamber into products of economic value.

"The catfish can be sold, apart from food security, it can also be something of economic value," said Yunimar.

For information, currently the stunting rate in the city of Bandung is still around 26.4 percent. On the other hand, the Central Government provides a reference for a stunting rate of no more than 14 percent in 2024.

“Therefore, there will be many training programs. Hopefully in that year, it will be even better if we reduce the stunting rate to zero. Or there will be no new stunting anymore," said Yunimar. (ray)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana