
Concerned about Bullying, Yana: No More

The Bandung City Education Office (Disdik) responded and followed up on news of bullying that occurred in a private junior high school in Bandung.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 19 November 2022 15:33

The Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana also raised her voice over this incident. He was concerned about the bullying that occurred the other day.

"Of course I am very concerned about the bullying that occurred in one of the junior high schools in Bandung City. Thank God the Bandung City Education Office has responded and taken several actions," Yana said, Saturday, November 19, 2022.

One of the steps that the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) through the Disdik has taken is to assign supervisors to the location to find out and provide guidance to schools.

"We also assigned the Pandawa team through the Roots program. The Roots program is a program from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding anti-bullying. This program collaborates with Unicef ​​Indonesia. This program also involves practitioners and academics to prevent child bullying," he explained.

Students are also involved in becoming agents of change in their circle of friends. So he hopes, hopefully this program can run well.

Meanwhile, DP3A has also provided assistance to suspected perpetrators and victims.

"Until now the mediation is still running. Hopefully there are good things that can be produced and there is a deterrent effect. So that there will be no more bullying of anyone against our children," Yana hoped.

Similar to Yana, Head of the Bandung City Education Office, Hikmat Ginanjar, admitted that he directly communicated with schools and assigned supervisors to the location.

"We have communicated with the school. The supervisor of the supervisor has also gone to the location to find out and provide guidance to the school," said Hikmat, Saturday, November 19, 2022.

He added that the school supervisor had met with the students involved accompanied by the local police.

"School Supervisors and the Pandawa Team through the Roots program will be led by Sabarina Sarah as the National Facilitator of the Roots Program as an effort to assist students," he explained.

It has also provided guidance and warnings to schools. However, other legal follow-ups are still a further consideration.

"The school has been warned. Our priority now is to provide psychological assistance to victims," ​​he said.

He hopes that bullying in schools will not happen again, especially in the city of Bandung.

“For the Principal, the teachers, please continue to monitor the activities of the students. We guide and provide understanding about character education to mutual respect for each other," he urged.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Bandung City Education Office, Tantan Syurya Santana, explained that so far the Disdik has routinely provided guidance and education to school principals, educators and education personnel in education units related to violence in schools.

Tantan emphasized that this was intended as a lesson for schools to take steps to anticipate incidents of violence in schools.

“Once again, we hope that schools can be more vigilant and can protect students from acts of violence or bullying in schools. Of course parents too, we ask for their help to play a role in their respective families," hoped Tantan. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office


Yayan A. Brilyana