
In Era 4.0 Teachers Must Be Able to Adapt to Digitalization

Times continue to change, students also change continuously every year. While teachers, continue to stay and guide the new generation.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:04
Ketua PGRI Kota Bandung, Cucu Saputra
Ketua PGRI Kota Bandung, Cucu Saputra

On National Teacher's Day on November 25, 2022, the Head of the Bandung City PGRI, Cucu Saputra, said that teachers should not only transfer knowledge. However, it is also able to build emotional bonds with students and instill character in them.

"Educating is not just a transfer of knowledge. But how to build emotions with students and instill character in our students," said Cucu.

Because, every child has the nature of nature and its era. With all the differences, teachers must be inclusive. Moreover, the nature of the era in this 4.0 era, teachers must be able to adapt.

"Learning is not only done by students, but also teachers. Because teachers need to reform themselves, equip themselves by becoming a student," he said.

The philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Ing ngarso sung tulodo, Ing madya mangun karsa and Tut wuri handayani are the foundations that should be planted and grown in teachers.

"The meaning of the philosophy is that in the front it sets an example, in the middle it builds the will, and in the back it gives encouragement to the students," he explained.

Moreover, teachers already have their own legal umbrella, Law Number 14 of 2015. There are four teacher competencies described there.

However, for Cucu, these competencies are not only about professional, but much more important are about social and personality competencies.

"Teachers are able to adapt to changes and capture the phenomenon of changing times, so teachers have a role for our children to be the compass of life for our students," he explained.

Sososk teachers have an important role in his life. Growing up without a mother makes Grandson feel a teacher as a substitute for a parent figure in his life journey.

Teachers not only teach science, but build strong emotions between themselves and their teachers.

"They really motivate me and protect me at the same time. This is what motivated me to choose the path as a teacher," he said.

For 32 years, he has been a chemistry teacher at a high school in Bandung. Until April 2022, he officially retired.

"I was inspired by great teachers when I was in school. So I have the encouragement how I can be like them and continue the struggle," he said.

During his time as a teacher, when he was with his students it was always fun and energetic.

"When I was in class, the class became a stage full of honor for me. We can elaborate on various sciences," he admits.

Although he admits, that dynamic always exists between teacher and student. However, the perspective of education must always be holistic.

"Because education is a place to germinate the seeds of culture," he said.

On the commemoration of National Teacher's Day which also coincided with PGRI Day, he assessed that the condition of education in the city of Bandung already has a good record, especially in the accessibility of the community to basic education services.

"It is measured by the Bandung City Government's alignment with the poor to get educational services. Through the convenience of being able to attend public schools. Even those who enter the private sector are also supported by the costs of the Bandung City Government," he said.

He also appreciated the Bandung City Government for raising the level of educators through the Nyaah ka Guru program.

"For teachers whose status is still not PNS, now they have the opportunity to become PPPK. Although it does require a process, the Bandung City Government has provided welfare for honorary teachers. No honorary teachers who have not been accommodated in PPPK get laid off, " he added. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana