
Bandung City Health Office Launches E-Important, Quick Step for Stunting Intervention

The Bandung City Health Office (Dinkes) launched the Electronic Stunting Data Collection (e-Important) application on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at the Grandia Hotel.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:33

With this application, it is hoped that it can analyze data more quickly and precisely to provide appropriate interventions for stunting cases in the city of Bandung.

For this launch, the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana said, reducing stunting is still a priority program for the City Government.

"2022 will be the third year for the city of Bandung to carry out 8 convergence actions to accelerate stunting handling. This e-importance is one of them," said Yana.

He explained, through e-important stunting baby data can be in accordance with conditions in the field. So that policy making for handling it can be faster and more precise.

"Data input is assisted by regional friends as well as posyandu cadres. So the data is more up-to-date and we can take the right steps to handle it," he said.

The head of the TP PKK, Yunimar Mulyana, conveyed the same thing. He explained, based on the 2021 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in the city of Bandung was 26.4 percent.

"This figure is above the WHO threshold, which is a maximum of 20 percent," said Yunimar.

Even so, the percentage of stunting cases in the city of Bandung has decreased. Based on the results of the August 2022 toddler weighing month, from 7.59 percent stunting in the city of Bandung fell to 6.43 percent.

"With this application we can analyze data more quickly and precisely to provide appropriate interventions for stunting cases in the city of Bandung," he admitted.

Various efforts have been carried out by the Bandung City Government by involving various elements to deal with stunting. One of them is assistance for families at risk of stunting, such as prospective brides, pregnant women, postpartum mothers, and two-year-old babies (baduta).

"We also have the Bandung Tanginas program which has been running since 2019. This program is working with Baznas and DKPP (Food Security and Agriculture Service) in procuring vegetable food ingredients," he explained.

The Tanginas family was given training on fish cultivation in buckets (budikdamber) and vegetable plants from DKPP.

"Besides being consumed, they can also sell it to improve the economy. Within three months they can have a big harvest," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Anhar Hadian said, with the launch of e-penmat, data from the collection of toddler data based on the August 2022 weighing could increase public knowledge. This is to encourage behavior to accelerate the reduction of stunting in the city of Bandung.

"The results convey data and analysis of the results of collection of toddlers in the city of Bandung in 2022. A follow-up plan has been prepared regarding specific and sensitive data intervention activities that are integrated in the context of reducing stunting," said Anhar.

This is because one of the important factors to accelerate the reduction of stunting is to increase public knowledge regarding the latest data and how to handle stunting.

"The public's ignorance of the causes of stunting in the first 1,000 days of life is very influential. With increased public knowledge, it is hoped that there will be a change in behavior in dealing with stunting," he added. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana