
Caring for the Cianjur Earthquake, Bandung City PKK Sends Humanitarian Aid

The Bandung City Family Welfare Empowerment Mobilization Team (PKK) sent humanitarian aid to the Cianjur earthquake victims, Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:41
Bantuan PKK untuk Cianjur.

The assistance was in the form of 53 packages of basic necessities, mukena (20 pieces), Koran (50 pieces), women's and men's underwear, clothing suitable for women and men, dolls for children, snacks and children's clothes, and rice boxes 200 boxes.

The head of the Bandung City PKK, Yunimar Mulyana said, these were donations collected by the Bandung District and Urban Village PKK.

"Today the PKK Mobilizing Team sympathizes with the earthquake disaster in Cianjur. We took the initiative to collect aid by coordinating with regional parties," said Yunimar when releasing the Bandung City PKK aid team at the Bandung City PKK Building.

The aid sent, said Yunimar, would take place in several stages. This is due to the high attention of the PKK in the region

"The first stage was collected immediately given today (Wednesday, November 30, 2022). Later there will be a further stage that is still being collected. Thank God the attention was extraordinary," he said.

This assistance, continued Yuni, will be given directly to victims in the Barukaso, Sukamulya and Cugenang areas of Cianjur Regency.

For this reason, Yunimar invites all the people of the city of Bandung to share their best prayers so that the situation in Cianjur Regency will recover soon.

Not only that, he appealed to people who wish to provide assistance to be able to give it directly to the earthquake victims in the form of goods that are currently needed such as medicines, clothes and food.

"I urge the public to sympathize and participate in providing assistance to our brothers and sisters in Cianjur. Priority is given to items that are currently needed by victims," ​​he said.(rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana