
Bandung City Government Targets 14 Percent Stunting Prevalence in 2023

The prevalence rate of stunting in the city of Bandung is decreasing every year. Head of the Bandung City Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS), Dewi Kania Sari said, based on data from the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in the city of Bandung in 2022 will decrease by 7 percent compared to the previous year.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 03 February 2023 16:13

He revealed that the 2021 SGGI shows that the prevalence of stunting in the city of Bandung is 26.4 percent.

"Then in 2022 it will decrease by 7 percent to 19.4 percent," said Dewi, Friday 3 February 2023.

This year, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) is targeting the prevalence of stunting to be 14 percent.

He hopes that, even though the big target is zero stunting, at least there will be no new stunting cases this year.

"Reducing the prevalence of stunting to 7 percent is a significant number as a result of the cooperation of all parties. Zero stunting is not only the government's task, but the entire pentahelix," he said.

Therefore, various Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) are involved to solve stunting. One of them is through data uniformity with the e-Important application (electronic stunting recording) carried out by the Communication and Informatics Agency (Diskominfo).

"The e-Important application also participates in accelerating the reduction of stunting. Hopefully, the error margin can be minimized as well. So that for future data collection there must be one door through e-Important," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (TP PKK), Yunimar Mulyana conveyed, e-Important is able to reduce discrepancies in data in the field.

"Hopefully it will further refine our endeavors in reducing data errors that have been collected. Please learn how to use this application," said Yunimar in an online e-Important Socialization event.

This application is expected to realize stunting data governance starting from planning, data collection, data and policy analysis, publication, outreach, to monitoring and evaluation.

In addition to e-Important, PKK also received assistance from the Health Service (Dinkes) in the form of a measuring tool for children's development and growth.

"We were given 358 sets of anthropometric kits. This is a motivation for us to improve the accuracy of the measuring instruments used at the posyandu. So there is uniformity and valid data to submit," he said.

Yunimar admits that he has submitted another request to add 300 anthropometrics. He hopes that all Posyandu in Bandung can have this measuring device so that the measurements are more accurate and uniform.

Responding to this, the Head of the Bandung City Diskominfo Encryption and Application Division, Ayi Mamat Rochmat explained, e-Important can be accessed via the web and mobile.

"Only posyandu cadres can log in via the mobile application. The general public can only use this application to find out the nutritional status of their children. Meanwhile, the web version can only be used by village heads, sub-district heads, puskesmas, and related regional officials," said Ayi.

There are several features that can be utilized, such as an explanatory video on stunting, a child data collection dashboard, and child nutrition data.

"We have also socialized technical guidance to health center staff. The data on the application and the web are integrated with the central government's application," he said

"So the goal is to collect all stunting data in sub-district and sub-district cadres through one door through the e-Pential application," he added.

He hopes that digitizing data like this will transform data collection activities from manual to digital.

"Hopefully PKK women at posyandu can operate this application," he said while explaining the steps for using the application to the participants.

Siti Aisyah, one of the posyandu officers, admitted that the application was easy for officers to use.

"Thank God, sir. The application is easy to use, cool," said Siti.

He hopes that this application can assist Posyandu officers in recording and validating the nutritional status of children in their respective areas. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency


Yayan A. Brilyana