
Getting Closer to Residents, TP PKK City of Bandung Shares Through Safari Smiles of Ramadan

During a three-year hiatus, the Ramadhan Smile Safari program is back in the midst of the people of Bandung City. The program initiated by the Bandung City Empowerment and Family Welfare Mobilization Team (TP.PKK) starts from 27-30 March 2023 and 3-4 April 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 27 March 2023 15:51
Safari Senyum Ramadan di Masjid Darul Ulum Perumahan Tamansari Bukit Bandung.

Chairman of the TP PKK Bandung City, Yunimar Mulyana said, the Ramadhan Smile Safari began on Monday, March 27 2023 at the Darul Ulum Mosque, Tamansari Bukit Bandung Housing Complex, which consists of five sub-districts.

"We will visit the six ex-areas of the city of Bandung. The Ramadhan Smile Safari for the first time in 2019. However, it was not carried out due to the pandemic," said Yunimar.

The six ex-regions include Ujungberung, Gedebage, Karees, Tegallega, Cibeunying and Bojonegara. Each ex-region consists of five districts. Within the coverage of the former Ujungberung area which was held today, there are Cibiru, Ujungberung, Mandalajati, Antapani, and Arcamanik districts.

"The goal is to be able to share blessings with orphans in the 6 sub-districts of this ex-region and stay in touch with local residents," he said.

He hopes that this activity can provide wider benefits to the community in all the districts visited.

"In a month full of blessings and forgiveness, where every kindness will be rewarded many times over. If all wealth is poison, zakat is the antidote. If the whole month is a stain, then Ramadan is the bleach," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Mandalajati sub-district, Yana Rusmulyana said, the Ramadhan Smile Safari activity in his area invited orphans and mosque guardians to be given gifts and kadeudeuh.

"Thank God, in our midst there are orphans and mosque officials who will be given gifts and kadeudeuh from TP PKK," said Yana.

The Ramadhan Smile Safari will return tomorrow to the ex-Gedebage area, which consists of the Kecamatans of Buahbatu, Rancasari, Gedebage, cinambo and Panyileukan. It is planned that the activities will be carried out at the Cijawura Islamic Boarding School Mosque. (din)*

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana