
Bandung City Government and Forkopimda Collaborate to Solve City Strategic Issues

Various strategic issues and problems in the city of Bandung cannot only be resolved by the Bandung City Government (Pemkot), but there needs to be collaboration from various stakeholders.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 23 May 2023 21:06

These strategic issues include waste issues, arrangement of street vendors (PKL), implementation of Car Free Days (CFD), vandalism and flood management.

For this reason, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) together with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) held a Forkopimda coordination meeting at the Bandung City Hall, Monday 23 May 2023.

The Mayor of Bandung's Daily Executive, Ema Sumarna, said that collaboration with regional leaders is very important in solving various urban problems that occur.

Ema said that the waste problem is crucial at this time. He asked Forkopimda's support to carry out socialization and joint education to the community.

"Currently, the Sarimukti TPA can operate normally again. We are also pushing RWs in the city of Bandung to become Garbage Free Areas (KBS) through Kang Pisman's intensive education," he said.

Related to this, the current arrangement of street vendors in Bandung City Government is making various efforts to organize in several places, namely Jalan Sudirman, Kosambi, Dago, Cikutra, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Otista, Tegalega, Bandung Square, Jalan Eikmen, Monumen Perjuangan, Jalan Sumatra, Lengkong Kecil , Pusdai and Sukajadi.

"We ask for your guidance and assistance and support for structuring street vendors so that Bandung becomes better," he said.

In addition, the problems of vandalism and flood management are also the main focus. In addition, Ema also asked for input and suggestions regarding the resumption of Car Free Day.

It is planned that the CFD in the Jalan Dago area will be held in early June.

Meanwhile, the Dandim 0618/Kota Bandung Colonel Inf Donni I Bainuri fully supports various strategic issues which are currently the focus of the Bandung City Government.

He said the settlement of these various problems must be carried out through comprehensive and systematic discussions.

"There must be an approach to the root of the problem. We must be comprehensive and systematic in solving various problems. Don't be hasty in taking steps, but only have a momentary impact. It is hoped that the policies set will be right on target," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Police for Bandung AKBP Dwi Handono Prasanto also stated that he was ready to help socialize various strategic issues of the city to the public.

"We are ready to collaborate in the field. Please take advantage of Babinkamtibmas and RW Police to socialize various city strategic issues to the community," he said.

In the same place, the Chairperson of the Bandung City DPRD, Teddy Rusmawan appreciated the Forkopimda coordination meeting that was held.

He hopes that with intensive coordination, various city problems can be resolved properly.

"We appreciate that forkopimda activities are running again to solve strategic problems," he said. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana