
Putri Ayu Dance Studio: Decades of Teaching Japanese Citizens Jaipongan to Produce Achievement Dance Artists

That afternoon, Shizuka Hayashi (30) along with a number of other Japanese citizens were having fun dancing in the courtyard of Cihampelas Walk, Bandung City. They don't dance from Japan, but Jaipong, a typical Sundanese dance.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 09 September 2023 17:07

For 1.5 hours, they skillfully imitated the movements according to instructions from Iyea Rismayati, Leader and Choreographer of the Putri Ayu Dance Studio. They also looked enthusiastic when the dance they were learning was accompanied by Sundanese songs.

Shizuka Hayashi admitted that she was interested in learning Jaipong dance because of the luxurious movements and costumes. Luckily, he met the Putri Ayu Dance Studio and started studying seriously.

"Previously, I didn't know there was a dance like this in Indonesia. When I saw the Jaipong dance movements, it was extraordinary, the costumes were also luxurious, I was interested and I wanted to learn," he said when met by Public Relations of Bandung on the sidelines of practice some time ago.

According to him, the most difficult part of Jaipong dance is mixing and matching music and body movements starting from the legs, body, neck and hand movements.

"It's very difficult to learn how to move your hands, feet, body position and neck, including matching movements with music," he said.

Unconsciously, he has been struggling and learning Jaipong dance for approximately 10 years. He has also appeared at various events with the Putri Ayu Dance Studio.

"I've been learning Jaipong dance for about 10 years. I've often performed from malls to television stations," he said.

He also hopes to introduce the Jaipong dance and other traditional Sundanese dances in his hometown, Japan.

"Of course I will bring and introduce Jaipong dance in Japan," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Leader and Choreographer of the Putri Ayu Dance Studio, Iyea Rismayati, said that the art of jaipong dance is indeed the favorite of Japanese residents in the city of Bandung. He has been a Jaipong dance trainer for Japanese citizens since May 1991.

"In the past there was also Saman dance, I taught it from 1991 but there was also peacock dance and others. The energy of Jaipong dance is very high, not only for health but also for learning Sundanese culture," he said.

"I really salute him, he (a Japanese citizen) is really quick to appreciate traditional Sundanese dance," he added.

Apart from teaching foreign nationals, Iyea Rismayati together with the Putri Ayu Dance Studio also teaches dance for various ages. Since it was founded in 1990, he has trained more than 1,600 students.

Various achievements have been made by his students. Starting from national and international level competitions.

"If you count each child, there are up to 200 champions, both national and international. We have also achieved international achievements from Malaysia to America," he said.

"There are also our students who have won talent searches on various television stations," he continued.

He hopes that the younger generation can continue to love and preserve Sundanese culture, especially traditional dances.

For information, Bandung residents who want to learn traditional Sundanese dance and join the Putri Ayu Dance Studio can come directly every Tuesday and Friday at the Bandung Creative Hub.

Then every Wednesday at Cihampelas Walk or you can come directly to the Putri Ayu Dance Studio on Jalan Suakasih 4 number 12B RT 1 RW 8 Bandung City every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Or register via Instagram @sanggarputriayu and telephone number 081321521564. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana