
Head of Bandung City Education Department: Education Personnel Must Be Role Models

Education is the main capital for the birth of superior and competitive human resources (HR). In order to make this happen, Bandung City education personnel must be examples and role models.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 23 September 2023 14:13

"Educators must provide examples of how character education can be an agent of change that is beneficial for the younger generation. Because good people must be strong enough to adapt to current situations and conditions," said Head of the Bandung City Education Service, Hikmat Ginanjar at the Bandung City Education Office, Saturday. September 23, 2023.

According to him, everyone must respond to every change. This includes educators who must keep up with the times.

"Respond to every change. All educational people become agents of educational change," said Hikmat.

As a quick response as a change agent, Hikmat said, the Independent Curriculum must be implemented seriously.

The Independent Curriculum gives educators the freedom to create quality learning that suits their needs and learning environment.

Starting from developing soft skills and character, focusing on essential, relevant material in depth so that there is time to build creativity and innovation.

Apart from that, there is flexible learning, giving teachers the freedom to carry out learning that is appropriate to each student's stage of achievement and development.

"We are implementing the independent curriculum. Guidelines for the Bandung City Education Department to implement this program. Because learning is student-centered, so that each student has the potential for intelligence," he explained. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana