
Collaboration between Customs and Excise and Bandung City Government Destroys 4 Million Cigarettes and Illegal Goods

The Bandung City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and Bandung Customs and Excise destroyed State Property (BMN), State Controlled Goods (BDN) and Ultimum Remidium together in the parking lot of the Bandung City Satpol PP Office, Wednesday 27 September 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 27 September 2023 12:19

The items destroyed consisted of 4,643,844 machine-made kretek cigarettes (SKM), 13,800 machine-made white cigarettes (SPM), 4,000 grams of sliced tobacco, 1000 bottles of e-cigarettes, 679 bottles and 3 jerry cans of drinks containing e-ethyl alcohol (liquor) which does not comply with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

Head of Bandung City Satpol PP, Rasdian Setiadi, said that his party had carried out illegal goods operations 8 times, targeting 89 locations in Bandung City. Based on the information, as many as 26 locations sell illegal cigarettes.

"The city of Bandung is not the main market, but it is a transit point, so many illegal goods are found in courier service companies," said Rasdian.

He said that the total potential loss to the state due to these illegal goods reached IDR 3,172,774,436. The series of destruction methods begins with releasing the vehicle carrying goods to be destroyed at the Musmu Puspalad location in Garut Regency.

"Furthermore, it is done by burning it and dissolving it in such a way that it cannot be used or reused," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the KPPCB TMP A Bandung Office, Budi Santoso, explained that the goods destroyed were the result of action taken from operations carried out by Bandung Customs and Excise independently and together with regional government agencies in the period February-July 2023 which had produced a total of 2070 SBP ( Letter of Proof of Action).

"This activity is also clear evidence of the synergy and collaboration that exists between Bandung Customs and Excise and government agencies and other law enforcement officials. This cannot be separated from the good cooperation from delivery service companies," said Budi.

He hopes that in the future it will be necessary to implement law enforcement from upstream to downstream with collaboration.

"God willing, the results will be more optimal and right on target. Hopefully the synergy and coordination that has been established so far will become closer in efforts to protect the Indonesian people from illegal goods," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Bandung City DPRD, Tedy Rusmawan, who was also present at the event, said that goods subject to customs duty are goods whose circulation is controlled.

"A loss of IDR 3 billion is of course a large amount. We must continue to make efforts to resolve illegal goods. Very effective performance and collaboration. The DPRD will continue to oversee the enforcement activities of these laws and regulations," said Tedy.

He added that people should also pay more attention to goods that are subject to excise duty.

"Is there an excise stamp or not? The public needs further education because there may be people who don't understand," he added.

The symbolic destruction event was carried out in the parking lot of the Bandung City Satpol PP Office together with Customs and Excise, the Ministry of Finance, Satpol PP throughout Greater Bandung and invited guests. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana