
Regarding PPID, Sleman Regency Learns from Bandung City

The management of the Bandung City Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) is still the best in West Java. This was proven by being the best for 8 consecutive years as Innovative and Informative PPID.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 10 November 2023 16:34

This is also what makes Sleman Regency want to learn about PPID management in Bandung City. Even the Regent of Sleman, Kustini Sri Purnomo, directly led a working visit to Bandung City Hall, Friday 10 November 2023.

Also accompanying the Regent of Selem were the Head of the Sleman Regency Communication and Information Office, Eka Suryo Prihantoro, the Head of the Sleman Regency Industry and Trade Service, Raden Rara Mae Rusmi Suryaningsih, the OPD Secretaries of the Selamatan Regency and Representatives of the Sleman Regency BUMD.

"We made a working visit here in order to improve the services and functions of information management and public communication of the Sleman Regency Government," admitted Kustini.

The Regent of Sleman Regency also appreciated and acknowledged that the City of Bandung is the Most Innovative and Informative City in West Java.

"The head of the district office has conveyed that our visit here was not wrong because the city of Bandung has received many innovative and informative rankings. Congratulations," said the Regent of the Sleman Regency Government.

The Sleman Regency Government delegation was received by the Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo), Yayan A. Brilyana. When explaining the Bandung City PPID, Yayan revealed that the Bandung City PPID has 77 Assistant PPIDs and 349 Sub Assistants.
"Currently PPID Sub Assistants only range from Junior High School (SMP) to Elementary School (SD), in the future we plan to create sub assistants for Community Health Centers," he said.

Previously, said Yayan, in 2015 Bandung City PPID was only ranked 19th out of 27 regencies/cities in West Java.

After that, Bandung City PPID made improvements until it finally ranked first in Innovative and Informative 8 times in a row.

"Building it requires effort because we have to have quality human resources and have mental steel," said Yayan.

Outside of PPID, Yayan said, there are two things he does. First, accelerate technological development from infrastructure to applications.

"Previously, civil servants flocked to make applications. Now we are 'cutting'. We have simplified it from 350, now there are only 235 applications. There is only one for each sub-district and the various archives are combined into one to facilitate supervision and integration," explained Yayan.

The second task, he said, is public relations and these two tasks cannot be separated from all sectors of life in the Bandung City Government.

Apart from Kadiskominfo Bandung City, he also accompanied the Head of Information Dissemination, Susi Darsiti and the Sub-Coordinator for Strengthening Public Information Openness at Diskominfo Bandung City, Yusuf Cahyadi. (ziz)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana