
Gebyar Bandung Tangkas Tangkis Tengkes: Optimal Efforts by the City of Bandung to Prevent Stunting

Head of the Bandung City Population Control and Family Planning Service (DPPKB), Kenny Dewi Kaniasari, confirmed that the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to make optimal efforts to eradicate the stunting problem. One of them is through Gebyar Bandung Tangkas Tangkis Tengkes.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 17 November 2023 20:36

The "Bandung Tangkas Tangkis Tengkes" activity will be held on Saturday 18 November 2023 at the Cikapundung River Spot which involves various elements of society from the community to academics who will provide information regarding stunting.

"We will hold a wayang golek performance, this is stunting education using local wisdom, we hope that it will be easily digested by the public," he said in a talk show on Radio Sonata, Friday 17 November 2023.

Apart from wayang golek, Gebyar Bandung Tangkas Tangkis Tengkes also presented a stand of products from the acceptor families, including performances by school children.

"Hopefully the public will not only be educated but also entertained. Hopefully it can encourage changes in people's behavior, from an unhealthy lifestyle to a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS)," he said.

Apart from these activities, so far the DPPKB has also made various efforts to socialize stunting, such as promotions on social media.

"On social media, we also create varied content, such as short videos aimed at teenagers and parents, because different generations have different educational approaches," he added.

He said that stunting was not only the responsibility of the DPPKB and the Bandung City Government but also a shared responsibility.

"With this activity, DPPKB hopes that the public will be more concerned about the problem of stunting, because the future of future generations is determined by prospective parents today," he concluded.**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana