
The City of Bandung is Committed to Realizing Conducive, Orderly, Safe and Courteous Ahead of the 2024 Election

The city of Bandung is committed to presenting a conducive, safe and polite city ahead of the democratic party. This commitment was immediately declared and jointly signed between the Bandung City Government and the ranks of the Bandung City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), KPU, Bawaslu and elements of regional ranks.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 22 November 2023 14:00

The following is a joint commitment that is being promoted.

The government and society of Bandung City are committed to:

1. Implement direct, public, secret-free, honest and fair elections in 2024
2. Create conducive conditions for the 2024 elections to be comfortable, calm, peaceful and happy
3. Reject all forms of spreading hoax news, hate speech, money politics, politicization of religion and ethnicity.

"A shared spirit of celebrating democratic values and ensuring that the 2024 Election in the City of Bandung runs smoothly and with integrity," said the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono at the Signing of the Joint Commitment for Bandung to Have a Conducive, Orderly, Safe and Courteous Election in 2024, at the Hotel Horizon, Wednesday 22 November 2023.

Bambang said, currently, Bandung is facing big challenges. This requires hard work, responsibility and active involvement from all components of society.

Therefore, continued Bambang, in building a conducive Bandung, we must understand that conduciveness does not only refer to physical order, but also to inner peace, mutual prosperity and mutual respect.

"Let's review together about community participation in the democratic process. The city of Bandung has experienced a positive increase in the level of political awareness of Bandung residents. However, the challenge that must be faced is increasing real participation in voting on election day," said Bambang.

Regarding politeness and tolerance, according to him, in the field it shows that the citizens of Bandung City have a mutual respect for each other. However, in the face of differences of opinion, there is still room to increase constructive dialogue and mutual understanding.

"We must prioritize politeness in communicating and interacting," he said.

Bambang said that order is the foundation of success. Therefore, everyone must be committed to complying with applicable regulations and norms.

"An orderly election process will create a conducive atmosphere for every Bandung citizen to participate actively and cast their vote for a better future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Unity and Politics Agency for the City of Bandung, Bambang Sukardi, revealed that the campaign period is only a matter of days, namely from November 28 to February 10 2023.

The current activity, continued Bambang, is to provide a commitment that the government and all stakeholders are able to keep the city of Bandung conducive during the democratic party.

"Let's show that Bandung is a city that respects and respects each other," he said. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana