
Bandung City Wins Best Merdeka Teaching Platform Award

The city of Bandung won the winner's award regarding the highest Adoption Rate of the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM) in West Java. The award was given at an event commemorating National Teachers' Day (HGN) 2023 which was initiated by the West Java Center for Teacher Mobilization (BBGP), Wednesday 22 November 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 23 November 2023 16:19

"Thank God, the City of Bandung has received appreciation. This is a concrete demonstration that the City of Bandung is very focused on implementing independent teaching," said the Head of the Bandung City Education Service, Hikmat Ginanjar.

Hikmat said that PMM in Bandung City continues to be made more massive in order to accelerate technology which is currently increasingly developing.

"So teachers and education staff must share best practices with students. Because they have a strategic role in making the nation's life intelligent," he said.

The Independent Teaching Platform (PMM) in Bandung City showed a topic pass rate of 292 from an accumulation of 136 elementary schools, 88 middle schools, 11 vocational schools, 21 high schools, 27 PAUDs, and 6 PKBMs. Another thing, there are still 216 platforms that have passed the post-test, and 204 platforms that have logged in to PMM.

One of the series of commemorations of National Teachers' Day (HGN) 2023, namely holding the event "Semarak Karya National Teachers' Day 2023" with the theme Educational Transformation through Free Learning to Create People with Character and Global Insight.

The 2023 National Teacher's Day Semarak Karya event aims to give appreciation to educators and education personnel (PTK) in West Java Province who have successfully implemented the Independent Curriculum with significant innovation. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana