
Everyone must join forces to break the bondage of loan sharks

Loan shark cases have claimed many lives. In fact, some have lost their lives because they were unable to bear the increasing burden of debt.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 08 December 2023 13:23

Therefore, the Regional Secretary of the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna, emphasized that resolving the problem of loan shark entrapment must be done in a 'group' manner. Not only to liberate, but also to train people so that they have the ability to sustain life.

"You have to team up to deal with loan sharks. Loan sharks are synonymous with financial issues. But after that, the community has to be empowered. Therefore, many related stakeholders are needed," explained Ema when inaugurating the Clean Money Loan Village (KBR) in RW 11 of Pasanggrahan Village, Ujungberung District, Friday 8 December 2023.

He said that loan sharks were like twilight. At first it was so tempting, like being given the light of life. Over time, the twilight became dim and dark.

"From borrowing Rp. 3 million, you lost your place of residence because you had to pay a debt with interest of up to Rp. 500 million. The interest was so ensnaring that it ended people's lives. There were cases of being ensnared by loan sharks and ending their lives prematurely," he said.

According to Ema, this is indeed a cycle of being ensnared by loan sharks. So dealing with loan sharks cannot be enough with the Task Force.

He explained that the Anti-Loan shark Task Force would ideally be in every sub-district, even better if it could be present in the sub-districts with collaboration from various lines.

"There are academics, financial institutions that provide backup, media that continues to enlighten. The key is that people must be empowered, otherwise they will return to emok banks (loan sharks)," he said.

He hopes that the KBR inauguration event will not only be in a ceremonial context. Ema didn't want to hear that, a month later it turned out that the people were trapped by loan sharks again.

"Good training must be given. For example, in Sukagalih and Sukabungah sub-districts, Sukajadi sub-district has become economically empowered. They have the skills to make processed foods such as meatballs and nuggets," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Cooperatives and SMEs Service (Diskop UKM), Atet Dedi Handiman, said that around 14,506 Bandung City residents submitted advocacy to the Anti-Loan shark Task Force. Especially in the midst of technological developments, problems are more complex with the existence of online loans (pinjol).

"We continue to strive to improve the economy and education for legal access to loans. To date, there are two sub-districts that have KBR, namely Ujungberung and Sukajadi," said Atet.

During 9 months of activity from March-November 2023, KBR Ujungberung has formed a conscious group to fight the movement of loan sharks. They have also used the assets of a land grant belonging to one of the residents to use as productive land.

"Meanwhile, at KBR Sukajadi there is already an initiative program to realize the vision of a loan shark village in accordance with the potential of the region. They can already make processed products," he said.

KBR in Bandung City will continue to be implemented. The target is that next year 30 sub-districts will be free from loan sharks.

"Next year we will add Cicendo, Regol, Bojongloa Kaler, and Cinambo," he added. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana