
Bandung City Government Starts Implementing Friday Car Free at City Hall This Friday

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) will implement a vehicle-free day every Friday or Friday Car Free in the Bandung City Hall area on Jalan Wastukancana and the Jalan Cianjur Office Complex.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:05

The program is planned to be implemented starting Friday 17 May 2024 and applies to all leaders and employees with offices at Bandung City Hall and the office complex on Jalan Cianjur.

Head of the General Section of the Bandung City Regional Secretariat, Syukur Sabar, said that the implementation of Friday Car Free was an effort to encourage employees in the City Hall environment to use public transportation and reduce vehicle pollution.

He revealed that currently there are 1,200 employees based at Bandung City Hall with 300 four-wheeled vehicles and 900 two-wheeled vehicles.

"Every Friday, no motorized vehicles, whether two-wheeled or four-wheeled, should be parked at Bandung City Hall and Jalan Cianjur offices," he said at Bandung Answers at City Hall, Wednesday 15 May 2024.

"Other government offices are also encouraged to do the same," he added.

Syukur said that all vehicles are not allowed to enter the Bandung City Hall area except for people who are going for treatment at the health center and ambulance vehicles.

Meanwhile, incoming guests can be dropped off at Dewi Sartika Park and then the vehicle must leave the Bandung City Hall area.

"Meanwhile, for people who want to seek treatment at the City Hall health center, we will give them special stickers in their vehicles. However, for health center staff, doctors and nurses are not allowed to bring vehicles," he said.

He admitted that he had surveyed all employees regarding the implementation of Friday Car Free. Employees are given the freedom to choose to use public transportation, bicycles, shuttles, buses, trains or other public transportation.

"Later, employees will use public transportation. Some will use bicycles or walk to the office. Employees can use the transportation provided," he said.

The General Section of the Bandung City Regional Secretariat prepared four vehicles to transport employees in the form of 2 Hiace and 2 minibus vehicles. These vehicles will transport employees from several transportation points, including Ledeng Terminal, Pajajaran, Antapani, Cicaheum and Leuwipanjang.

He said that all employees must comply with the Friday Car Free implementation. Employees who violate will be given sanctions in accordance with applicable employment regulations.

If the implementation of Friday Car Free at City Hall goes smoothly, it will be implemented in all Bandung City Government offices.

He hopes that ASN can be role models for the community to be able to use public transportation and provide a clean and pollution-free environment.

"The hope is that the environment will be cleaner and the atmosphere will be different for more comfortable sports," he said. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office


Yayan A. Brilyana