
If you want clearer car audio, let's use a V Tech damper

The car will be more comfortable to drive if the inside of the car is more soundproof. However, with a damper that is reasonable and suitable for use.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:12

Present in Bandung City, V Tech damper, one of the workshops for automotive enthusiasts to install dampers on your favorite vehicle.

Located on Jalan Kopo Number 312, Bojongloa Kaler District, this workshop has been around since 2006.

"Every day the car always comes here. We really focus on the silencer. To provide a feeling of comfort for the driver," said Owner of V Tech Peredam, Wahyu Junaedi.

He said, there are benefits if cars use soundproofing. First, it fills the empty space that causes the car to be noisy so that the audio sound is clearer and easier to hear.

Regarding price, Wahyu explained that this is in accordance with the size of the car. From small, medium, to large sizes.

"The price for a small car is from IDR 9-9.5 million. A medium car is around IDR 9.5 million. There are also large cars around IDR 11 million. We can choose, just the doors, floor or roof. In fact, everything is possible," he explained. .

He explained that the rear of the car, such as the trunk, is a source of echoes in the vehicle, so if you use a silencer it is more comfortable in the car.

"The trunk is the source of the echo, from the exhaust and the body the vibrations, so that the end of the car collects the sound in the trunk," he explained.

After using a damper, the vehicle will increase in weight according to the size or type of vehicle.

"For a medium or large car, the increase is around 25 kg. While for the small car class it is around 15-17 kg," he said.

V Tech is open every day except major holidays. Monday - Saturday open 08.00 - 17.00 WIB and Sunday open 08.00 - 15.00 WIB. (yan)**

Head of Diskominfo Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana