
Bandung City Government Issues Circular Urging Study Tours to be Held in the City and Prepared Strictly

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) issued a circular letter (SE) from the Acting Mayor regarding the implementation of study tours. This is in order to follow up on the Circular Letter of the Governor of West Java.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:17

These regulations are contained in SE Number 063-Setda/2024 concerning study tour activities in educational units which was signed by the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, Monday 13 May 2024.

In the SE, the Acting Mayor of Bandung appealed to all school principals at all levels of education in the Bandung City area to pay attention to the following matters:

1. Study tours as a learning strategy that aims to help students develop through outdoor experiences are not just sightseeing/tourist activities;

2. Educational unit study tour activities are encouraged to be carried out within the city by paying attention to the principles of benefit and safety through visits to science development centers, cultural centers and local educational tourism destinations, which are also aimed at supporting local economic growth;

3. If the educational unit has planned a study tour outside the Bandung City area, it is important to still consider the benefits and safety and obtain recommendations from the Bandung City Transportation Service regarding whether the vehicle meets the technical requirements, is roadworthy and operational; And

4. The education unit that will organize the study tour must coordinate and obtain recommendations from the Bandung City Education Office.

Responding to this, one of the teachers at SDN 224 Cijambe, Dewi Yuliani, admitted that she would guide the circular letter. The plan is that SDN 224 Cijambe will conduct a study in Ciwidey, Bandung Regency.

For this reason, he said he would continue to make thorough preparations by preparing a good and roadworthy fleet in accordance with recommendations from the Bandung City Transportation Agency.

"We, as Patih teachers, comply with the regulations that apply. Study tour activities are still ongoing, but with strict and thorough preparation. We are looking for the best and roadworthy fleet in accordance with recommendations from the Transportation Agency," he said when contacted, Wednesday 15 May 2024.

According to him, this study tour is an important thing to refresh students after completing exams and practice. However, it must be balanced with clear goals and educational benefits, not just walking around.

"We will make good preparations, choose a good fleet, and have also asked permission from the Education Department. Hopefully everything is safe and everything is under control. The point is that we are preparing the best and safest fleet," he said.

He hopes that the study tour that will be carried out will have a good impact on his students and that it will run smoothly.

"Hopefully everyone will be wise in responding to this and will be given the best," he said. (rob)**

Head of Diskominfo Bandung City


Yayan A. Brilyana