
Pursuing Target, Kelurahan Starts PTSL Inventory 2023

To complete the remaining target of 2,000 land parcels in the city of Bandung that are certified, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) through the Bandung City Land Office and regional parties has started an inventory of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Friday, 08 July 2022 20:22
Wali Kota Bandung memimpin Rapat Koordinasi dan Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas Camat dan Lurah pada Lokasi Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) Wilayah Kota Bandung Tahun 2022 Ruang Tengah Balai Kota Jumat 8 Juli 2022.

This was conveyed by the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana after a discussion with 14 sub-district heads and 27 village heads at Bandung City Hall, Friday, July 8, 2022.

"There are 14 sub-districts and 27 lurahs here who carry out the PTSL program for the remaining 2,000 jobs in 2017. Hopefully this target can be completed this year," said Yana.

PTSL is a central government program to provide certificates as legal evidence of the rights of citizens who own land. That way, it can prevent land conflicts in the future.

From the target of 2,000 plots of land, until now the City of Bandung has certified 1,026 plots. As for the land assets belonging to the Bandung City Government, 109 parcels of land have been certified from the target of 400 land parcels.

"While completing the target, we also urge regional friends to start taking inventory from now on. Which residents want to be included in this program in 2023," he said.

In line with Yana, the Head of the Bandung City Land Office, Andi Kadandio Aleppudin said that all facilities such as measurement, publication, and counseling were provided free of charge to the public. Because the budget has been obtained from the state budget.

"However, for stamps, forms, and others, the public is charged Rp. 150,000. If there are regional parties who charge more, they will be subject to sanctions," explained Andi.

Therefore, the Bandung City Government and regional officials signed an integrity pact to prevent illegal levies that harm the community. (din)**

Head of Diskominfo Bandung

Yayan A. Brilyana