
Bandung City Government and Bandung City KPJ Collaborate for the Prosperity of Artists

In an effort to improve the welfare of its members, the Bandung City Singers Group (KPJ) together with the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) collaborated with bank bjb.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 17 August 2022 12:55

The form of cooperation carried out is to make a KPJ Bandung City membership card which can also function as a bjb ATM.

This innovation is also a form of collaboration between KPJ Bandung City and bank bjb to develop digital banking and increase investment understanding as well as the importance of saving among artists.

"This provides understanding to friends and also supports digitalization programs that are educational in nature. This is also a street movement to save money to provide better education and increase in the musicianship profession," said Chairman of KPJ Bandung Raya, Cepi Suhendar after receiving a member card symbolically at Balai Bandung City, Wednesday 17 August 2022.

Currently there are as many as 450 KPJ members. They will be given a member card which also functions as an ATM in stages.

"This KTA (Membership Card) is a reference as a form of our curation. So not all members get this, there are conditions. Skills and competencies must also be qualified," he said.

KPJ members have gone through a long journey to bring this innovation.

"This has been a long journey for two years, at that time the head of the office (Head of Service) Mrs. Kenny and the Head of Division (Head of Division) Mr. Irwan," he said.

This innovation is the idea of ​​KPJ members whose goal is to be part of the city as a tourism person to help the existence of the City of Bandung.

"We initiated this during Covid-19 two years ago. We as tourism people, these are the goals," he said.

He also thanked the Bandung City Government for helping the presence of innovation for KPJ members.

According to him, many benefits will be obtained by KPJ members. One of them, when playing at a cafe, KPJ members can use it using QRIS.

It is planned that the distribution of the cards will be carried out simultaneously on KPJ's anniversary on 10-11 September.

"Actually, it is gradual, but this will be launched simultaneously on KPJ's anniversary on September 10-11," he explained.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office, Nuzrul Irwan Irawan said this innovation is a form of support for KPJ, namely the KPJ saving movement.

"We are coordinating with bank bjb, thank God, there is an MoU to make this card. In its manufacture there are various stages, such as the design, which must be communicated to BI and OJK," said Irwan.

"To get it, KPJ will curate its members. This will increase the members' growth for the better," he added.

He hopes that KPJ will continue to synergize with the Bandung City Government in the traditional arts program initiated by the Bandung City Department of Culture and Tourism. So as to boost the growth of tourism in the city of Bandung.

"Of course, for arts using traditional music, we hope this can be an example for other communities," said Irwan. (yes)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Technology


Yayan A. Brilayana