
Ahead of Nataru 2023, here are a number of preparations for the Bandung City Government

Ahead of Christmas and New Year (nataru) 2023, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) is preparing a number of strategies so that the City of Bandung remains conducive.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 19 December 2022 19:18
Rapat Kesiapan Jelang Perayaan Nataru bersama Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kota Bandung (SKPD) di Balai Kota Bandung, Senin 19 Desember 2022.

Ahead of Christmas and New Year (nataru) 2023, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) is preparing a number of strategies so that the City of Bandung remains conducive.

For this reason, the Regional Secretary of the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna directly chaired the readiness meeting ahead of the Nataru celebration with the Bandung City Regional Work Unit (SKPD) at the Bandung City Hall, Monday 19 December 2022.

"Place officers in crowded areas and places of worship. We must be able to anticipate unwanted things," said Ema.

Ema said that there were several matters ahead of Nataru. Starting from matters of basic commodities, industry and trade, national unity and public order.

Beyond that, Ema also asked the regional apparatus and SKPD to remind each other of health protocols to anticipate the surge in Covid-19.

"We know that Covid-19 is still around. Even though Bandung is under control, we still have to be vigilant. At least wear a mask," Ema asked.

Meanwhile, Head of the Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub), Dadang Darmawan admitted that he had coordinated with the police to keep Nataru safe and conducive in the midst of a pandemic.

"We have coordinated with the police. The city of Bandung is the second largest city to be visited by residents after Jogja. It is estimated that 1.3 million people will come. If added to the residents, of course it will be very crowded," he explained.

Dadang also admitted that he had prepared 3 monitoring posts, among others; ATCS City Hall, Leuwipanjang Terminal, and Cicaheum Terminal. The Transportation Agency has also prepared 250 personnel for traffic control.

"Traffic lights, CCTV, staff assignments ready 24 hours from 22 December to 3 January 2023," explained Dadang.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit for the City of Bandung, Rasdian Setiadi, explained that his party had designed two ways of securing and maintaining public order this Nataru. There are as many as 575 personnel who will be on duty. They consist of 475 members of Trantibum 475 and 100 members of Linmas.

"For Christmas security, Satpol PP carries out two safeguards, namely static placements at churches and patrols in a number of areas," he said.

"To secure the New Year, we will place them in tourist areas. Among them, Kiara Artha, Saung Udjo, Karang Setra. We will also patrol thematic parks," said Rasdian.

For that too, Rasdian invites residents to jointly increase vigilance and supervision.

"Everyone must feel that they belong to each other. In the area of Linmas, Lurah, Camat must be together. We are increasing awareness," explained Rasdian. (sya)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana