
Note! These are 10 Household B3 Waste Storage Points in the City of Bandung

The Bandung City Environment Agency (DLH) continues to improve in its waste management efforts, including household-scale B3 waste.

Humas Kota Bandung Sunday, 14 May 2023 14:59

If not managed properly, this waste can have negative impacts, ranging from environmental pollution to health.

Household B3 waste is waste generated from daily household activities that contains hazardous and toxic packaging or materials.

The specific drop-box for household B3 waste provided is divided into 4 categories, including:

- Red box: Used battery
- Blue box: Electronic waste (Mouse, Keyboard, etc.)
- Yellow box: Used baygon packaging (fragrance, carbolic acid, etc.)
- Green box: TL lamp and neon lamp

The following are 10 points for household-scale B3 waste storage (Dropbox) in the city of Bandung:

1. Bandung City Environmental Service

For those who don't know, the Bandung City DLH Office is located at Jalan Sadang Tengah No.4-6, Sekeloa, Coblong District, Bandung City.

2. Kang Pisman School

Kang Pisman School is located at Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.187 A RT 06/09 (behind the Class IIA Banceuy Penitentiary), Kebon Lega Village, Bojongloa Kidul District, Bandung City

3. Bandung Indah Plaza

You can dispose of electronic waste in the drop box at the Bandung Indah Plaza mall, Jalan Merdeka No.56, Citarum, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City.

4. SMA Negeri 3 Bandung

The location of this favorite public high school in the city of Bandung is on Jalan Belitung No. 8, Merdeka, Kec. Bandung Well, Bandung City,

5. SMA Negeri 5 Bandung

The location is at Jalan Belitung No.8, Merdeka, Kec. Bandung Well, Bandung City

6. Rancasari District Office

Jalan Bumi Santosa Number 12, Cipamokolan District, Bandung.

7. Mandalajati District Office

The Mandalajati District Office is located at Jalan Pasir Impun Number 33, Bandung City.

8. District Office of Cibeunying Kaler

Jalan Cigadung Selatan No. 100c, Cigadung, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung City

9. Cisaranten Kulon Village Office

Jalan Cisaranten Kulon No. 127, Cisaranten Kulon, Kec. Arcamanik, Bandung City

10. SMK Negeri 5 Bandung

Jl. Bojong Koneng No. 37A, Sukapada, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Bandung City

Various types of waste or hazardous and toxic materials (B3) that can be stored in the e-waste dropbox are small electronic waste, such as cables, chargers, cellphones, used batteries, neon lights, used packaging. (rob)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency


Yayan A. Brilyana